Cocaine is a highly addictive illegal drug. This Schedule II substance has a high risk for physical and psychological dependence, which means that those who use it can quickly become addicted. Cocaine is a fast-acting stimulant that is popular among those who want to stay awake and alert. However, it also leads to a drastic crash. Additionally, a great deal of the cocaine on the market is cut with other substances which can also have addictive properties. If you or a loved one is struggling with cocaine addiction, Lakeview Health’s cocaine addiction treatment center can help.

Many of those who would benefit from cocaine addiction treatment never reach out for help. However, in our Jacksonville recovery center, we’ve made starting the road to recovery as simple as possible. Through behavioral therapies, medical support, community resources, and personalized treatment plans, we can help you heal. Contact our team at 904.531.3505 or reach out to Lakeview Health online to learn more.

Cocaine Addiction


What makes cocaine addiction so difficult to overcome? Repeated use of cocaine can lead to tolerance, which means that an individual needs to use more of the substance to feel the same effects. This can contribute to dependence, where someone who uses cocaine relies on it to get through the day. Cocaine acts on the pleasure and reward centers of the brain, which can contribute to why some individuals feel such strong cravings for it.

There are several factors that can put an individual at a greater risk of developing an addiction to cocaine. These include:

No matter what has led to cocaine addiction, the best way out is through a professional treatment program. Support, accountability, and science-backed treatment can lead to lasting recovery. Attempting to detox on your own can be dangerous. Withdrawal symptoms can include anxiety, trouble sleeping, and fatigue as well as intense cravings. Some individuals relapse in order to feel relief. However, our cocaine addiction treatment center can help you during detox and beyond.

Signs of Cocaine Addiction


Not sure if you or your loved one would benefit from our cocaine addiction treatment center? Look for the following signs of cocaine addiction to determine if you’re a candidate for treatment:

If you can answer “yes” to any of the above, contact Lakeview Health today at 904.531.3505. It’s not necessary to wait until you reach rock bottom to reach out for help. Instead, make the choice today to begin moving in a new direction.




Our Approach to Cocaine Addiction Treatment


Addiction is a disease, and like any disease, it requires treatment. Our evidence-based approach to cocaine addiction treatment can help you make lasting changes in your life.

Personalized Treatment Plans

No two individuals in our care are alike. The most effective treatment plans are tailored to each patient’s needs and goals. When you begin treatment at Lakeview Health, we’ll craft a treatment plan to help you overcome personal challenges and build a stable, healthy life in recovery.

Levels of Care

At Lakeview Health, we offer a full continuum of care for those who are on the road to recovery from cocaine addiction. At the beginning of this journey, many individuals in treatment benefit from a more supervised and intensive level of care. This can help those who are struggling with cocaine addiction build a strong foundation for the next steps. Then, outpatient programs and our aftercare program provide ongoing support as our patients return to everyday life.

This step-down approach can help you or your loved one achieve lasting, sustainable sobriety. We don’t just help our patients get sober. Instead, we help them build the healthy coping skills they need for lifelong recovery.

The levels of care that we offer in our Jacksonville recovery center include:

During an initial assessment, our team can determine which level of care is right for you.


Addiction Treatment Therapies

Just as we offer several levels of care, we offer a wide range of addiction treatment therapies. Those who are working to overcome cocaine addiction need support for mental, physical, and emotional healing. The evidence-based and holistic therapies we offer can help you break free of harmful habits and destructive thought and behavior patterns.

All patients participate in both group and individual therapy sessions. During group sessions, you’ll get to know your peers in recovery. During discussions about topics like relapse prevention, dealing with stress, and overcoming obstacles, you’ll find perspective on your own experiences. And in individual therapy, you’ll be able to talk with an experienced therapist about topics like past trauma.

Other therapies we offer include:

Recovery from Cocaine Addiction at Lakeview Health


Lasting, sustainable recovery is possible. We’ve helped countless patients break free of cocaine addiction. At our Jacksonville treatment center, we’ll help you or your loved one find ways to manage stress without turning to drugs or alcohol, rebuild relationships, and build healthy coping skills.

In addition, we offer help for those struggling with co-occurring substance use and mental health issues. Many individuals who are addicted to cocaine also face mental health challenges that can make recovery difficult. Mental health concerns like anxiety, depression, or PTSD can be triggers for relapse, and cocaine use can actually exacerbate the symptoms of these conditions. However, we treat both conditions at the same time through therapy and counseling. Learning how to manage the symptoms of mental health issues and finding strategies to avoid relapse is an essential part of treatment.

At our center, you’ll also find separate men’s and women’s rehab centers. Many of our patients feel more comfortable opening up in gender-specific groups, and we want to make every patient feel as welcomed and supported as possible.

We accept coverage from many major health insurance providers in order to make treatment as accessible and affordable as possible. We do not accept Medicare, Medicaid or Florida Blue.



Contact Lakeview Health Today


Learn more about our approach to treatment, our dedicated team members, and our admissions process by reaching out to Lakeview Health today. Cocaine addiction doesn’t need to keep its hold on your life. Instead, you can break free and begin to heal in our state-of-the-art facility.

Located in beautiful Jacksonville, FL, our cocaine addiction treatment center is the ideal place for you to start your journey to recovery. Connect with our team today by contacting us at 904.531.3505 or reaching out online today.

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