If substances that used to provide relief are now causing problems in your life, a drug treatment program can help. Each of Lakeview’s addiction treatment programs provides the support, understanding, and tools necessary to recover from addiction and reclaim the life you want. If you are eager to know what you can expect in rehab, we understand entirely. In our programs, you will get the tools you need to focus on your recovery, along with immediate access to programs, clinicians, and organizers to help you navigate your recovery and determine your next steps.

What Should I Bring To Rehab?


A common question of those preparing to receive treatment at Lakeview Health is what to bring. For some, this is the most important part of preparation for treatment. We understand it’s difficult to leave your typical daily life behind, and that includes both the big and little things you’re used to having around you. Our goal is to make the transition as simple as possible. To provide a safe and comfortable environment for everyone, we ask that you limit personal belongings to the items listed below. Staff will search all belongings upon rehab admission, and items not adhering to these guidelines will be sent home or stored. Check the list below to ensure you know what to bring to rehab and prepare to leave the rest at home.

Lakeview Health: Inpatient/Residential Packing List


Please bring the following items for your time at a Lakeview Health inpatient drug rehab center:


What Not to Bring: Prohibited Items


The following items are not allowed and may be discarded or shipped home if you bring them: Please see the statement below: Note-we also may store some items. It all depends on what it is.

On a case-by-case basis, the facility may store prohibited items at its sole discretion. However, the facility will not be liable for the condition, maintenance, or loss of any prohibited item brought on-site in violation of this requirement.

Knowing what you will and won’t have on a day-to-day basis will help your transition. We know it might be hard to leave some things behind. We’ve created these lists based on years of experience and carefully selected the items to prevent distractions from what matters most: your successful recovery.

What to Bring to Rehab That Can’t Be Packed


While there is plenty to consider while packing your suitcase for rehab, it’s also crucial to consider what to bring to rehab that doesn’t go in your bags. When you take the first step to begin addiction treatment, you’ve already made the decision to better your life. Coming to treatment with a positive attitude, an open mind, and an eagerness to heal are all things to bring as well. Bringing with you the support of family and friends who wish to help will also help you on your journey towards lasting recovery. It is also a good idea to make sure you know the names and phone numbers of any psychiatrists or other mental health professionals you have recently met with, along with your insurance information. The current rehab insurance programs we accept at our Jacksonville treatment center include Cigna, Aetna, and United Healthcare.

What To Expect In Rehab


At Lakeview Health’s Jacksonville rehab campus, you can expect to join a community of clinicians, organizers, and community members who are committed to giving you the tools you need in order to stay sober. Although you may be anxious about leaving your loved ones, what items to pack, and the length of your stay, the most important thing is that you arrive safely at our campus. We will help you figure out the rest of the details when you get here.

Find A Jacksonville Detox


Our rehabilitation campus offers an excellent medically-assisted detox program. Our detox services are especially beneficial if you are recovering from physical dependency. Our medical staff has years of experience helping people detox. Symptoms of withdrawal are often uncomfortable, but we’ll be there for you every step of the way. In fact, patients are visited by medical staff everyday of detox. Once you are stable, you will transition into either residential or an outpatient level care, determined by your addiction treatment program. Please bring your medical insurance card (if you have it) and photo identification.

Addiction, Brain Chemistry, & Memory


Alcohol and other drug problems cause disease, disability, and premature mortality. Addiction is a disease that impairs our judgment, behavior, and brain chemistry. We know that drugs and alcohol cause us to make decisions we wouldn’t otherwise make; they cause people to act in ways they wouldn’t otherwise act. The first part of the brain affected by addiction is the limbic system (responsible for survival instincts). When we perform activities necessary for survival (food, safety, sex, love, etc.), the brain reinforces these behaviors by releasing dopamine, a neurotransmitter/chemical messenger that causes a pleasurable sensation.The reward for survival-related behavior is then transmitted to the amygdala and hippocampus, recording a memory that will encourage us to seek it out in the future. Because dopamine release is related to survival, the brains of people with a substance use disorder begin to believe that substance is necessary for their survival. The prefrontal cortex (the part of the brain that allows us to plan, make complex decisions, and control impulses) is also affected by drugs and alcohol. Once intoxication ends, the brain copes with depletion of neurotransmitters. This causes an overwhelming flood of negative emotions. The longer you rely on a particular substance, the more likely your brain is to become dependent on that substance to release neurotransmitters.

Places and circumstances we associate with using a particular drug are called triggers. A few common triggers of substance abuse relapse include:

Triggers often lead to a relapse when people lack the tools to handle them. Symptoms of substance use disorder become progressively worse as your tolerance continues to build. An addicted individual neglects the people and things they love the most; this is the nature of the disease of addiction and alcoholism. Addiction is profoundly complicated, but it is very treatable in the right environment.

What Causes Substance Use Disorder?


Substance use disorders, including alcoholism and addiction are pervasive in the U.S. While every person has the potential to become chemically dependent on a substance, certain risk factors (such as family history and genetic predisposition) increase the likelihood of developing an addiction. Thousands of people in Florida die from overdoses every year. At Lakeview Health, we offer the tools, strategies, and resources to help people get their lives back. Addiction is a progressive condition; it will get worse without treatment. Unlike other chronic health problems (diabetes, hypertension, asthma, etc.), alcohol and drug addiction tend to have negative effects on significant others and the community due to crime and public safety concerns. Relapsing happens when a person who has been in recovery once again begins using drugs or alcohol after a sustained period of abstaining. Experiencing a relapse is devastating, but it is part of the recovery process.

Beginning Addiction Treatment at Lakeview Health


At Lakeview Health, we provide our patients with a range of services, programs, and amenities that place them on the path to recovery. From informing patients on what to bring to rehab to preparing our clients to head home and enjoy their new lease on life, our team is here to help. Some of our programs include the following:

Peace of Mind Starts at Lakeview Health


Struggling with addiction can be isolating, infuriating, and overwhelming. If overcoming addiction feels impossible, we can help you take your life back. To get more information about what to expect in rehab and learn more about our addiction treatment programs, contact Lakeview Health today by calling 904.677.5010.

Now that you know what to bring to Lakeview Health, it’s time to give us a call. Contact us today at 904.677.5010 to learn more about our addiction treatment center in Jacksonville, Florida. The rehab insurance providers we currently accept include Aetna, Cigna, and United Healthcare. We do not currently accept Medicare, Medicaid, or Florida Blue.

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