Despite conventional notions, drug and alcohol addiction can happen to anyone. This is why Lakeview Health offers addiction treatment specifically for professionals at our Florida rehab center. Addiction is not strictly a problem for youth or the unemployed. It involves everyone, even professionals. It involves everyone, even professionals. In fact, the most affected are the professionals in the medical sector. The rate of addiction in professionals is increasing. This is why we have made addiction treatment resources available for professionals part of our program.

According to USA Today, approximately 100,000 professionals in the health sector across the country are struggling with an addiction or abuse. These professionals include technicians, doctors, and nurses. Additionally, the most abused narcotics include Fentanyl and Oxycodone. As in other professional fields, the stress of the health sector can prove too much for its workers, causing them to turn to substance abuse for relief.

Some professionals want to stay alert the whole day. Meanwhile, others are trying to numb the pain of upsetting outcomes. Whatever the reason, overdependence on drugs or alcohol eventually makes you an addict.


Why are Professionals at Risk of Addiction?

Almost everybody envisions addicts as hopeless or unemployed individuals. In truth, people do not imagine lawyers or doctors intoxicated. The reason for this is that they appear responsible, accountable, and exceptional at their jobs. And, it is also uncommon to see professionals use drugs or drink alcohol.

However, the reality is more and more professionals are slowly turning to alcohol or drugs to alleviate the pressure they experience on a day-to-day basis. The long hours most professionals work through can be devastating.

Also, being away from loved ones for long periods can have an overwhelming effect on anyone. To fill in the void, drinking alcohol becomes a daily experience. However, discovering the root cause of the addiction makes it possible for any professional to have long-term recovery.

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environment for individuals to heal and thrive

How to Recognize Addiction in Professionals

Recognizing addiction in professionals can be a challenge because most professionals tend to hide their addiction. For some professionals, admitting they have a substance use disorder could mean the end of their career. To keep this from happening, they have to conceal their addiction.

However, some of the signs you can use to recognize addictions in professionals include:

Once you note the above signs, it is essential that you help your loved one seek addiction treatment for professionals as this can be the beginning of a downward spiral for them.


Effects of Addiction in a Professional’s Life

First, addiction causes you to become detached from your job. The more addicted you are, the harder it becomes to concentrate on your career. It also creates a barrier between you and your loved ones. The one thing every addict lives for is drugs or alcohol. This causes them to lose sight of everyone around them, including their family.

Once this starts to happen, you quickly start putting a strain on your relationships. In the workplace, addiction puts the people you serve at risk. For instance, a pilot under the influence puts his passengers at risk every time he flies a plane. And, the more the pilot drinks, the easier it becomes to cause an accident.

Finding Addiction Treatment for Professionals

Those who provide addiction treatment for professionals in Florida know the struggles professionals go through. This is why we have an addiction treatment program for professionals who need our help. We want you to take control of your life. Despite all you have been through, recovery is still possible.

Some of the services we offer include:

We value our clients. We will always be available to help. Contact us today at 904.531.3505, and we can help you overcome addiction with our specialized addiction treatment for professionals.

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