Addiction Therapy Services


Addiction is a complex disease requiring several approaches so that individuals struggling with dependency can heal completely. However, addiction isn’t something that just disappears. As a chronic disease, it needs to be managed throughout one’s life. Thus, finding early treatment is imperative. The Florida residential rehab center at Lakeview Health offers addiction therapy services that can improve your chances of fully recovering from addiction.

When you are struggling with a substance abuse disorder like tens of millions of Americans, you can sometimes feel lost, frustrated, or alone. Addiction is not an indication of poor willpower. Addiction is a progressive, chronic, and potentially fatal disease that can impair your judgment, change your brain chemistry, and damage your physical health. Abusing drugs and alcohol increases your chances of experiencing a fatal overdose. Sadly, drug overdoses are the leading cause of accidental death in the country, demonstrating the severe outcomes addiction can lead to.

Here at Lakeview Health our team of difference makers understand the importance of educating oneself about how to recognize the signs of addiction and learning what treatment options are available.


Alcohol Cravings


Substance abuse disorders and prescription drug addiction cause you to compulsively continue to abuse drugs and alcohol despite experiencing negative consequences and having a desire to quit. Drugs and alcohol all carry the risk of addiction and anyone, regardless of age, gender, or race, can develop a substance use disorder. Drugs and alcohol are psychoactive substances that inhibit the release of pleasurable neurotransmitters, such as GABA, serotonin, and dopamine.

When you abuse drugs and alcohol, your brain experiences a neurotransmitter imbalance and begins rewarding drug and alcohol use and punishing abstinence. Eventually, your brain can become completely dependent on your substance of choice in order to release neurotransmitters. You can also have opiate withdrawal symptoms and intense cravings whenever you attempt to stop using. Withdrawal symptoms and cravings can make it difficult to remain abstinent.

Severe addictions require you to continue using not solely to get intoxicated but to avoid withdrawal. This can result in damaging consequences. Addiction can result in financial problems, especially if you are using most of your money to feed your habit. You may choose to acquire drugs and alcohol instead of paying bills or debts. Addiction can also cause:

Our addiction therapy services can provide you with the support and guidance you need to help you recover.

What Is the Difference Between Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment?


Transitional housing, such as a sober living house, offers you a safe and supportive housing option. Outpatient addiction therapy services are less time-intensive and allow you to return home each night. Partial hospitalization programs meet for at least six hours per day, five days a week. Some partial hospitalization programs also offer outpatient detox services. Intensive outpatient programs typically meet for two or three days per week.

Both residential and outpatient addiction therapy programs like the ones at Lakeview Health may utilize a combination of evidence-based addiction therapy and holistic addiction treatments. Residential/inpatient treatment, however, offers the most intensive level of care. Outpatient care is therefore often recommended only after a patient has undergone detoxification and residential treatment.

There are also hard drinkers who get drunk regularly, yet don’t suffer from alcoholism. Once faced with dire circumstances like potential job loss, a DUI, or problems with their spouse or friends, they are able to taper off their usage. Certain health issues may arise from regular drinking in excess, but these particular drinkers can logically see that their social drinking is negatively affecting their life, and they can stop when they want to. Someone who is developing alcoholism simply can’t do this, and it’s one of the first signs of alcohol addiction.

What Kinds of Therapy Can You Expect?


Across all our addiction treatment programs, we work alongside patients to determine a therapeutic plan to best meet their needs and allow them to meet their goals in recovery. To make this as effective as possible, it’s important that an addiction treatment center offer comprehensive therapeutic options that can be adjusted based on an individual’s progress in treatment. By combining comprehensive care with customized treatment, the team at Lakeview Health is able to design the most effective program possible. Some of the therapy programs we offer includes:

Finding Addiction Therapy Services


Addiction can damage your personal relationships, career, and family life. Unfortunately, addiction is a chronic condition that requires treatment. Without treatment, addiction progressively worsens and puts you at significant risk of experiencing major harmful consequences. 

During recovery, you can still experience cravings, especially when you are exposed to triggers. Nearly half of all people in recovery relapse at least once, making effective relapse prevention planning an integral part of treatment. At Lakeview Health, we focus on stress management and other coping methods that will help you take on any triggers or stressors that you may face, so you can move forward and maintain your recovery.

When patients enter our inpatient treatment center, they’ll be given access to the therapies necessary to meet their specific needs. We know that no one will travel the same path to recovery. Thus, we build our addiction treatment programs to be accessible to all and provide as many options as possible. Part of the benefits of 24-hour inpatient rehab care is that patients will be able to commit and focus on their treatment without any outside distractions. However, Lakeview Health offers the complete continuum of care where patients will be able to continue their therapy no matter what stage of treatment they are in or what program best meets their needs.

Reach Out to Lakeview Health Today


During treatment, addiction therapy services can provide you with the education, support, and skills you need to learn how to manage cravings. Although you may feel hopeless when you are trapped in addiction, recovery is possible. Addiction is treatable and with the right support individuals can learn to not just cope with the disease but take control back and eventually overcome it. Contact us today at 904.531.3505 to learn more about your treatment options.

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