Anxiety and addiction treatment in Jacksonville, Florida, are often necessary in drug and alcohol abuse cases. Our anxiety treatment center in Jacksonville, Florida, is here to help those in need of dual diagnosis treatment that provides addiction recovery support and help for their anxiety disorder.

By providing anxiety treatment and their primary addiction care, we can help our clients recover and heal. If you’re ready for treatment, contact Lakeview Health today at 904.677.5010. Through our care, you will be able to break free of your addiction and learn better coping mechanisms and techniques to manage your mental health properly.

What Is Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety is a pattern of frequent worry that causes significant distress and interferes with social, occupational, and educational functioning. There are several types of anxiety disorders. The two most common ones are generalized anxiety and social phobia disorder.

People who struggle with anxiety may feel extremely fearful and panicky, have obsessive thoughts and avoid situations that induce anxiety. The worries associated with an anxiety disorder can be about health or potential health problems, family problems, concerns about money in the present coupled with worries about the future, or any combination of worries.

Worries can be with or without cause, but are very real for those struggling with this condition. Many of those with a co-occurring addiction and anxiety disorder may self-medicate with drugs and alcohol in effort to alleviate and find relief from symptoms. Instead of self-medicating or believing that their condition is just a phase, individuals need to seek an anxiety treatment center in Jacksonville, Florida.

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder

Symptoms of anxiety can be overwhelming. People with anxiety may try to cope with their symptoms through drug and alcohol use.

Anxiety symptoms include:

Anxiety and Substance Abuse

People with anxiety disorders are usually prescribed benzodiazepine drugs, including Valium, Xanax, or Ativan. Benzodiazepines are highly addictive and have a high risk of abuse. Whether or not someone with an addiction has been formally diagnosed with anxiety, he or she may look for substances to decrease symptoms.

Some substances exacerbate anxiety symptoms. For example, one with an alcohol use disorder who is detoxing usually experiences anxiety symptoms even without a formal anxiety diagnosis. He or she will benefit from learning anxiety management techniques to manage symptoms even after detox.

An individual with anxiety disorder should not take any type of mood-altering medication because of the potential for abuse. At Lakeview Health’s mental health treatment center, our medical and clinical team will work closely with patients to help them manage anxiety while working towards recovery.

Anxiety Treatment and Addiction Treatment


When anxiety disorders are combined with drug and alcohol addiction, managing their symptoms is greatly reduced. If a person has an undiagnosed anxiety disorder and he or she takes a substance to ease the symptoms, withdrawal from the drug will increase anxiety. A cycle develops of anxiety, substance use, and withdrawal.

Across all our addiction treatment programs, we offer various therapeutic options to help individuals break this vicious cycle and heal deeper issues that contributed to or arose from substance use disorder. By providing a diverse number of therapies, each individual can get the treatment that meets their unique needs. Doing so gives patients the best chance to achieve their goals in recovery. Some of the therapies we offer include:

These therapy programs give individuals the tools and resources they need to heal from anxiety. Two of the most effective forms of talk therapy our counselors and therapists offer are cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). These approaches can be used in one-on-one sessions and group therapy sessions. No matter what combination of therapy programs one is engaged in at Lakeview Health, individuals learn how to identify their triggers and, in so doing, how to avoid and ultimately overcome them.

By working through our anxiety treatment center programs, individuals not only heal but discover how to prevent anxiety from affecting them in the future. There are some demonstrable signs that whatever therapeutic option you and your treatment professionals choose are effective. Some common signs to look for to let you know you or someone else is healing from an anxiety disorder include:

Discover How Lakeview Health Can Support Your Mental Health

After the correlation between an anxiety disorder and substance abuse is established, a co-occurring disorders treatment program is the best approach to stabilizing both conditions. At Lakeview Health, we understand how anxiety can accompany addiction and work with our patients to address both issues. Through our therapies across all our treatment programs, patients get the support they need to heal.

Our addiction treatment programs include the following options:

If you’re ready to make a change in your life, contact Lakeview Health today by calling 904.677.5010. Our team is ready to help you get your life back on track and begin managing your mental health properly.

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