At Lakeview Health, you can expect to be treated by clinicians who understand what you are going through and will be there to support you every step along your recovery journey. Our team of doctors, nurses, therapists, and counselors is committed to providing the most respectful, professional, research-backed alcohol and drug addiction treatment in Jacksonville. There is no need to feel self-conscious or embarrassed about being in rehab. You are taking the steps you need to take in order to change your life, and we applaud you for it.

Holistic & Medical Detox


Our Jacksonville rehab campus offers medically assisted detox, which is typically the first step in addiction recovery. Beginning the recovery journey substance-free helps patients remain in treatment. Addiction is a complex disease; people in active addiction may not be able to make rational, objective medical decisions due to changes in brain chemistry and the brain’s reward circuitry. Removing harmful chemicals gradually allows people to think clearly and understand the steps they need to take in order to recover safely. If you feel like recovery is impossible, we look forward to changing your mind and helping you start living a substance-free life.

Rehab: Day 1

When you arrive at our campus, a member of our treatment team will interview you about your personal medical history. Try to be as honest as possible in the interview; it will help our team develop your treatment plan. After a brief physical exam, a staff member will examine your belongings (please don’t be offended by this; checking for unauthorized items is part of our job as a treatment center), administer medications if necessary, and give you a tour of our campus. Our experienced team of clinicians and therapists is committed to helping people break free from addiction. Our staff is dedicated to helping people up from their lowest points. We offer the following addiction treatment programs:

Creating an Individualized Treatment Plan


Our team of therapists and licensed medical professionals will ask that you complete some assessments. They will talk with you to better understand your life prior to entering treatment. Once they have consulted with you and the full treatment team, a comprehensive, individualized treatment plan will be created. They will ask you about your habits, daily activities, family life, and possible co-occurring disorders. All of these questions will better prepare us to best care for your unique needs. While we understand that addiction can affect anyone, we also know that treatment should never be one-size-fits-all.

Can Patients Receive Phone Calls?


Family involvement remains a vital part of our substance use disorder treatment at Lakeview Health. You will always be able to get in contact with your loved one in case of emergency. In order to encourage people to build new relationships with others, we recommend that patients not spend large amounts of time on the phone. While we understand this may be difficult, our goal is to help people achieve sustainable recovery. In order to help families understand addiction and how to best support their loved ones, we offer family workshops throughout the year.

We Advocate For Our Patients


Substance abuse disorders, alcoholism, and addiction are pervasive in the United States. Although every individual has the potential to become chemically addicted to a substance if they consume enough of that substance, certain risk factors (such as genetic predisposition, family history, and home environment) increase the likelihood of developing an addiction. At Lakeview Health, we offer the tools, strategies, advocacy, and resources to help people get their lives back. Addiction requires treatment because it is a progressive condition; you will need to learn how to manage symptoms for the remainder of your life. This might seem overwhelming, but our rehab programs make it manageable.

Admissions Assessments for Inpatient Treatment


When you are admitted to one of our inpatient treatment facilities, we will review your insurance information, complete a medical evaluation, and learn about your personal history with drugs and alcohol and discuss any medical or psychological concerns.

Pre-Admission Screening

This happens before you arrive. An admissions specialist collects information about your history of substance use over the phone.

Admissions Evaluation

A nurse performs a comprehensive assessment of your physical and mental status. The assessment includes a full review of your medical, psychiatric, and substance use history. The nurse contacts our on-duty physician for admission orders and prescription medication if needed.

HIV Risk Screening

This is standard practice for any patient entering treatment at Lakeview Health.

Medical History and Physical

Once we have preliminary information about your health and substance use history, a member of our medical staff gathers a complete medical history and performs a physical exam.

Psychiatric Evaluation and Chemical Dependency Evaluation

A member of our medical team evaluates your psychiatric (mental and emotional) health and assesses your addiction.

Psychosocial Evaluation

You meet with a therapist to provide a first-hand perspective on your background, substance use history, and personal goals for treatment.

Patient Orientation

Within 24 hours of admission, you tour the facility, get an overview of the patient handbook, and have the opportunity to ask any further questions about your upcoming treatment.

During your time at Lakeview Health, we monitor your physical and emotional health and address any changes that require medical or psychiatric attention. In extreme cases, our rapid-response team is ready to act immediately.

Respectful, Compassionate Care


You will always be treated with care and respect at Lakeview. Our detoxification services can be life-saving if you are recovering from a physical dependency. Our medical staff has years of experience helping people detox safely and comfortably, and are available to assist patients on a daily basis. Symptoms of withdrawal are often uncomfortable, but we’ll be there for you every step of the way. If you have been unsuccessful at quitting on your own, our medical detox program will be a welcome respite. Once you are stable, your addiction treatment program will begin. Please bring your medical insurance card (if you have it) and one form of photo identification.


Our Staff Makes the Difference


Each member of our addiction treatment team has intimate knowledge of the detox and rehabilitation process. During your time with us, we will do our very best to provide the support, understanding, camaraderie, and tools necessary to manage addiction and reclaim the life you want. If you are anxious about what to expect at our Jacksonville detox and rehab, the short answer is that you have immediate access to a safe, comfortable, welcoming space to detox and recovery from the harmful substances that have taken hold of your life.

Mindfulness Matters


Becoming mindful involves the awareness of present events without being consumed by our emotional reactions to them. Becoming mindful takes time, but it is possible in the right environment. Learning to cope with everyday life struggles without turning to drugs is the most difficult obstacle many people face in their lifetime. Mindfulness workshops are one example of the types of approaches we offer in our Jacksonville inpatient and outpatient rehab center. The treatment you will receive at Lakeview Health is research-based, professional, individualized, and community-centered.  We understand that learning to manage setbacks without turning to drugs takes time. We also know that people are more likely to stay sober when they remain active and engaged with the sober people they spent time with during treatment. There is no quick way to “fix” a substance use disorder; however, taking small daily steps in a supportive environment will open doors you never thought were possible.

Thinking, Behavior, & Mindfulness


The mindfulness practices we teach at Lakeview Health help patients become aware of triggers, monitor internal reactions, and foster more appropriate behavioral choices. We focus on increasing acceptance and tolerance of both positive and negative physical, emotional, and cognitive states (e.g., cravings) to decrease the likelihood of turning to substance abuse to escape reality. Our exercises also help patients increase self-efficacy and self-worth, which have also been shown to lower the possibility of relapse.

Addiction Recovery Starts at Lakeview Health


We understand that when you arrive at rehab, you may feel anxious, uncomfortable, or perhaps even resistant to trying an inpatient drug rehab center. Please know none of these feelings are unusual; almost everyone has some level of trepidation before they enter treatment. It’s a big step. It might be one of the most significant events in your life. We want you to know we’re prepared for you, whatever state you arrive in, and we’re experienced in helping everyone make the transition to treatment as smooth as possible. The team at Lakeview Health is here to ensure that your time spent at our facility is healing, welcoming, and productive. From your arrival to when you’re about to head home, we help you understand what to expect at Lakeview Health and in your new life in recovery every step of the way.

Get a Fresh Start at Lakeview Health


Now that you know what to expect at Lakeview Health, please take the next step and review what to bring to rehab when you arrive. Please don’t hesitate to contact our Jacksonville drug treatment center if you are concerned about yourself or a loved one.

You can reach us by calling 904.677.5010.

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