What Happens to Your Body After Heroin? [Infographic]

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Published: August 15, 2016
What happens to your body after heroin use isn’t particularly pleasant to think about, but it’s important to understand just how damaging this drug can be. Every year, opiate addiction costs the United States $484 billion, and, sadly, heroin use jumped a shocking 63% between 2002 and 2013. By taking a closer look at what happens to your body after heroin, and paying attention to the negative impact it has on the body, you can understand just how important drug rehab can be.

Heroin Turns to Morphine to Block Pain

Heroin becomes a substance similar to morphine once in the body, and it creates an immediate rush that blocks pain and increases pleasure. By blocking opioid receptors, heroin users will only experience good feelings in the short-term. This may be why as many as 23% of the people who use heroin become addicted to it.

Cognitive Decline

Sadly, 10% of heroin overdoses result in death. For those don’t die, it’s shocking to see what happens to the body after heroin overdoses. Oxygen deprivation occurs, which can permanently deteriorate cognitive function and cause hand tremors.

Severe Itching of the Body

Heroin use is often associated with severe itching, resulting in scratches on the skin and open wounds. That’s because the receptors that block pain often release an itching sensation, which causes heroin users to vigorously scratch their skin in an attempt to alleviate the itch.

Slows Down Breathing

After taking heroin, users may experience drowsiness for extended periods of time. It’s then that breathing can slow down and even stop, creating a potentially fatal situation. To make matters worse, 96% of heroin users also take another type of drug, and this often compromises the respiratory system and make breathing more difficult or even slower.

Reduces the Speed of Digestion

Heroin drastically slows down the digestive system, reducing significantly the activity of the intestines. This can lead to severe constipation, at the least, as well as ruptured bowels, anal fissures and hemorrhoids. What happens to your body after heroin is no small matter. Every time people use heroin, it can put them at risk. Take back control over your life and free yourself from the binds of a heroin addiction. Call us for information about effective heroin rehab treatment.

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