Treatment Program for Alcohol Addiction

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woman running a treatment program for alcohol addiction


Published: May 28, 2020

Alcohol addiction is a problem that is becoming increasingly more common in today’s society. If you have become dependent upon alcohol, it’s time to find help through a treatment program for alcohol addiction through a variety of addiction treatment programs offered at a reputable facility. Through this program, you will be able to get your life back on track.

The Development of Alcohol Addiction

Millions of people just like you are currently living with an alcohol use disorder (AUD). These disorders range significantly in severity. For many people, alcohol addiction begins as occasional drinking that gradually becomes more regular and heavy in volume. In many cases, increased tolerance occurs, and that leads to alcohol dependency. Once an individual is dependent upon alcohol’s effects to feel “normal,” they become high risk for alcohol addiction. From there, alcoholism is the next possible step.

If your relationship with alcohol has become blurred, it’s time to consider seeking professional help. If you don’t address your problem, it could inevitably progress into full-blown alcoholism.

A treatment program for alcohol addiction will provide you with thorough and compassionate care. Experienced specialists can help guide you through a safe detox and recovery journey. You don’t have to face the many challenges of withdrawal or recovery on your own.

Choosing a Treatment Program for Alcohol Addiction

There are thousands, maybe more, rehab centers across the country that promise to deliver great results. Unfortunately, not every treatment program for alcohol addiction can live up to that pledge. If you’re serious about recovering your sobriety, you need thorough care that can be designed to meet your specific needs. After all, your history and relationship with alcohol are uniquely yours. Subsequently, your treatment should be for you, not somebody else.

At Lakeview Health, you will receive the compassionate care and effective treatment you need and deserve in order to recover from your alcohol addiction. We utilize a number of different addiction therapy services and additional programs in order to provide our clients with the full continuum of care they need to heal.

Along with our treatment program for alcohol addiction, we also offer the following:

Your treatment program for alcohol addiction will often start with alcohol detox. This is when you allow the substance to leave your system. This process is best done under the careful supervision of medical professionals and specialists. Because of how serious some withdrawal symptoms can become, it’s crucial to be monitored by professionals. Not only will they help to keep you comfortable during the process, but they can also intervene should more severe symptoms begin.

Your treatment program may also include dual diagnosis treatment. For many who struggle with alcohol addiction, an underlying mental health disorder is often the cause. For some, this mental health disorder is unknown, so they’re simply using alcohol to feel better. For others, they have yet to receive the proper treatment, so they use alcohol to self-medicate when they begin to experience symptoms. Dual diagnosis care during a treatment program for alcohol addiction will address these issues and allow you to heal from both your mental health disorder and your addiction.

Begin a Treatment Program for Alcohol Addiction Today

Don’t let another day pass you. Help is available for you to overcome your alcohol addiction. When you’re ready to start a treatment program for alcohol addiction, contact Lakeview Health today by calling [Direct]. Our team is ready to help you begin your recovery journey.

Lakeview Health strives to keep our clients and staff safe during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Learn about new guidelines and updates today.

We currently accept Aetna, Cigna, and United Healthcare. We do not currently accept Medicare, Medicaid, or Florida Blue.

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