Treating Alcoholism at an Addiction Treatment Center

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man struggling with alcoholism


Published: January 1, 2021

Drinking alcohol is so ingrained in our society that many events serve alcoholic drinks. While some people can drink responsibly, others cannot control the amount of alcohol that they drink. This is not a sign of weakness; rather, it may be a disease. Alcoholism is an alcohol addiction that affects every facet of a person’s life. While alcoholism can certainly have a negative impact on a person’s life, there is hope for those who want to stop drinking.

The staff at Lakeview Health is ready to help. Our alcohol addiction treatment center has programs that are individualized to meet the needs of each patient. Keep in mind that you don’t have to suffer through an alcohol addiction on your own behind closed doors. In fact, our team has years of experience helping people just like you rid their lives of alcoholism.

However, how do you know if you have are suffering from alcoholism?

Signs of Alcoholism

If you regularly drink alcohol and are concerned that you might have an alcohol addiction, consider these common signs of alcoholism:

  • Irritability or mood swings
  • Making excuses for drinking such as to relax or deal with stress
  • Choosing to drink over instead of responsibilities and obligations
  • Distancing yourself from friends and family members
  • Drinking alone or behind closed doors
  • Extreme hangovers
  • Blacking out when drinking
  • Drinking alcohol at events where no one else is drinking

Perhaps one or more of these signs apply to you. If so, don’t hesitate to reach out to the compassionate team at Lakeview Health for more information about our alcohol rehab facility.

Alcohol Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms

When a person’s alcoholism becomes severe, there may physically painful effects when they make the brave decision to get help for their alcohol addiction. If you have a severe alcohol addiction and suddenly stop drinking, your body can react strongly. These reactions are known as withdrawal symptoms, and they may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Upset stomach
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Tremors

Sometimes, there might be symptoms that are even more serious, such as high fevers, hallucinations, grand mal seizures, and severe mental confusion.

That’s why it can be dangerous for you to stop drinking alcohol on your own without proper medical supervision. The Lakeview Health team has an alcohol detox center that can make withdrawal from an alcohol addiction as comfortable as possible. Also, we have medical personnel on staff that can make sure that any withdrawal symptoms that you experience do not turn into a serious medical situation.

Treatment Programs at Lakeview Health

Once you have made the decision to enroll in treatment at an alcohol addiction treatment center such as Lakeview Health, our team will determine what kind of treatment program would best suit your needs. We offer a variety of treatment programs, including:

If needed, we can also provide family programs that can strengthen relationships that may have been damaged or destroyed as a result of alcohol addiction. After all, family members can be a crucial part of your support system that will keep you free from the burden of alcoholism.

Learn More Today About Lakeview Health’s Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program

It can be challenging to reach out for help with alcohol addiction. The team at Lakeview Health has years of experience with helping people break free from alcohol addiction. If you or a loved one may have an alcohol addiction, reach out to us today by calling [Direct] or completing our confidential online form for more information. The road to recovery could start today, so don’t wait any longer.


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