The Precious Gift of Life After Drug Rehab

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Published: January 4, 2013

It is so disturbing to watch as people continue to make poor decisions. To hear that another school shooting had occurred where innocent students, teachers and aides lost their lives was unsettling. It does give me peace of mind to know that all these innocent children will be in heaven. An incident like this makes me reflect on the precious present of life after Christian drug rehab. We should all ask ourselves how we are spending our time, because your life can be taken in an instant. In the Newtown shooting that happened Friday, December 14, 2012, I remember one story in particular. It was of a teacher who hid her students in cabinets and closets when she heard the shooting. Heroically she lied to the gunman, telling him her students were in gym class. He shot her dead and moved on, leaving her children alive. Victoria Soto was the angel for her students on that day and her life was taken to spare at least 16 little lives. We continue praying for her and the families of all those who lost loved ones. We play Russian roulette with our own lives when we use drugs and alcohol. We hold our lives in our hands. The fact that we still take risks that could lead to death is astounding. If everything happens for a reason, then there must be a reason for these types of tragedies. Rather than trying to solve the debate over guns, we should pray and reflect on the precious gift of life and how we are living our lives after Christian drug rehab. Have you had similar experiences where you were sure that an angel saved your life? Share your thoughts with us below. Your story may help uplift others.

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