Top 10 Best Tips for Sobriety

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Top 10 Best Tips for Sobriety


Published: September 28, 2011

Top 10 Best Tips for Sobriety

  Getting sober is one thing. Staying sober is a whole other ball game. Here is a top ten list of hints to help you stay sober.

  1. Make sure to be completely honest with yourself and others. (You hear countless stories of people who relapse because of the shame and guilt of lying to someone.)
  2. Start doing the activities and hobbies that you used to do before your life became controlled by addiction.
  3. Keep in touch and stay involved with your support system.
  4. Be sure that you know what your triggers are and then learn how to handle them as to avoid a relapse. Remember no matter how long you have been sober addiction is very powerful and anyone is capable of relapsing.
  5. Remember what it was like when you were addicted to drugs or alcohol. This is not to say dwell in the past but make sure you remember how far you have come and how good your life has been since you have been sober.
  6. It is important to get ample rest. When someone is constantly tired they are more apt to be able to fight of triggers and urge to abuse drugs.
  7. Eat well and try to exercise on a regular basis. It will help with your self esteem. Be good to your body.
  8. Be sure to have goals. Keep a list of the things that you want to accomplish during the course of a day, week, month or year.
  9. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Even when things in life don’t go your way, remember how far you have come and how much you have accomplished in sobriety.
  10. No matter what happens don’t drink or abuse drugs. Remember that it is only going to get tougher if you pick up a drink or drug.

  If you do relapse remember that the sooner that you seek out help the better chance that you will get back into sobriety without causing too much damage to the life that you worked on so hard to build.

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