How Common is Suboxone Addiction?

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Published: September 4, 2016

Suboxone addiction is very common in the United States. Yet many people aren’t very familiar with this particular drug. Medical professionals use Suboxone during opiate detoxification to combat withdrawal. Although it’s a non-narcotic medication, many people become addicted. It’s important to realize that those who become addicted to opiates like heroin or pain medications can become addicted to just about anything, so it’s important to get the treatment they need so they just aren’t replacing one addiction for another.

How Suboxone Addiction Happens

Opiate addiction in the United States is an epidemic. In this country, more and more people are overdosing from opiates than ever before. In recent years, the medication Narcan has been saving lives all over the country because it helps reverse the effects of opiates, and more law enforcement members, EMTs and firefighters are starting to carry it in order to help people who may be suffering from an overdose. Some states are even beginning to allow pharmacies to sell this medication legally without a prescription. Those who struggle with an addiction often don’t want to ask for help, or they don’t know how bad their problem is and want to do it on their own. They think they can manage withdrawal on their own, so they decide to take Suboxone. The problem is that addiction is a powerful disease, and they just take Suboxone as a replacement drug. Suboxone is meant to be tapered off by a medical professional. When people with an opiate addiction take the medication on their own, they most likely start with a high dosage, and continue to take that high dosage. They’ll see no change in the quality of their life, and they may still buy the medication illegally or steal from people in order to support their habit.

How to Avoid a Suboxone Addiction

Lakeview Health in Jacksonville, Florida helps men and women overcome their opiate addictions. In our medically monitored detox program, our professionals may administer Suboxone to help you through the detox process, but it’ll gradually be tapered off by medical professionals. The goal is to help you take as few medications as possible so you can live a life free of any mind and mood-altering substances. There’s an incredible life waiting for you, and we’re here to help you attain that life. Once the detox program is completed, you’ll go through gender-specific individual and group therapy where you’ll become educated about the disease of addiction, and you’ll also discover better ways to deal with life on life’s terms. We want to help you see that there are effective ways to cope with feelings and emotions that don’t involve drugs, and you can regain control of your life. Give Lakeview Health a call today at 866-704-7692 to verify your insurance or get more information.

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