Does Your Spouse Have a Drinking Problem?

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Published: September 18, 2016

If your spouse has a drinking problem, the first thing to realize is that you’re dealing with a sick person. This difficult situation can be even more troublesome if the two of you have children. It may be hard to comprehend why your spouse can’t stop drinking for the children’s sake, if nothing else. Alcoholism is a very powerful disease that makes a person put his or her drinking above all other priorities. Something must be done, but how can you do?

When to Approach Spouses About Their Drinking Problem?

Believe it or not, spouses probably do want to quit drinking, but the timing of approaching them is crucial. You should never try approaching them while they are intoxicated. This can be a waste of time, and the conversation can become very emotionally heated without any positive results. Most of the time, spouses won’t even remember the conversation happened. The best time to have the conversation is often after your spouse has finished drinking and is coming down from a hangover and not feeling especially well. Sometimes it may be beneficial to talk to an interventionist or addition specialist about how to have a formal intervention. Formal interventions are necessary when spouses have become a danger to themselves or others, or they’ve been denying treatment for a long time. At a formal intervention, afflicted individuals sit down with loved ones who tell them they’re no longer providing support unless they get help.

Finding a Treatment Program for Your Spouse’s Drinking Problem

Lakeview Health provides a treatment program for spouses that will help them in all aspects of their recovery. First, your spouse will go through a medically monitored detox for men or women. This is the highest level of care, which is the most important because alcohol dependency can be very dangerous in certain circumstances. We have a medical staff who will be here with them every step of the way. As spouses begin to feel better physically and mentally, we’ll begin to transition them to the addiction treatment program where they’ll begin to learn a better way of living without having to pick up a drink. Our men’s and women’s addiction treatment program promote long-term recovery. Through individual and group therapy, our guests learn that they’re not alone in their alcoholism, and there’s an effective way to recover. We also have family programs so the entire family can begin the healing process. Call Lakeview Health today at 866-704-7692 to verify your insurance or learn more about our leading-edge programs.

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