What Does My Son Need Before Entering a Detox Clinic for Opiate Abuse?

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Published: August 14, 2016

Everything you do and every decision you make has a direct impact on your life and the lives of people around you. When you’re dealing with a family member who is suffering from an addiction, you need to be extra careful about your decisions. Because of the probable effects of substances on their life and the relationship among family members, emotions stand to get in the way of your ability to be objective. However, reaching out to a Florida drug detox center could save the life of your loved one.

How To Broach the Topic of Rehab Facilities and Detox Clinic

Before you set out to get your son into treatment, you need to understand that the best chance he will have for recovery is to want help as much as you want him to get help. Therefore, you need to tread lightly. The best way to broach the subject of his addiction and his need for help is to not come off as judgmental. You should be direct and be sure to indicate you’re ready to be supportive and walk with him toward recovery.

How to Help Your Son Prepare for Detox Clinic and Treatment

You need to understand that your son is getting ready to go through a process that tends to be physically, emotionally and mentally draining. It’s also his only way back from addiction. Prior to getting ready, your son needs to avoid going out for one last drinking or drug-using hurrah. There is nothing to be gained by him continuing to harm himself. He needs to immediately start the process of mentally committing himself to treatment. A big part of treatment is going through detox. A detox clinic is designed to help rid your son’s body of the harmful remnants of his disease so as to prepare his mind and body for the counseling and therapy that holds the key to him successfully “kicking the habit.” He should go through a opioid detox program because the medical personnel will be able to keep him comfortable and safe while his body and mind get used to the idea that no more harmful substances are forthcoming.

Detox Clinics Like Lakeview Health Are the Answer

In Jacksonville, Florida, you’ll find a well-respected residential drug and alcohol rehab center called Lakeview Health. Prior to starting a gender-responsive treatment program, guests are afforded the opportunity to go through the facility’s safe and effective, medically-monitored detox process. When clean, the real work of therapy begins. As one of the facility’s therapy options, family members are invited to participate in a four-day program that is designed to teach them about addiction and how to better interact with their loved one as the family and the patient navigate life a clean life together.   Continuity of treatment offers great benefits. If your son is ready to commit to treatment at Lakeview Health, the detox process and subsequent therapy would be handled by clinicians and counselors who are used to working in unison to get their patients firmly on the road to recovery. If he wants this kind of help, you need to contact us immediately at (866) 704-7692.

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