Reaping the Benefits of Sobriety through Relapse Prevention

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Reaping the Benefits of Sobriety through Relapse Prevention


Published: December 14, 2010

Reaping the Benefits of Sobriety through Relapse Prevention

  You have been sober for one year and things have really started to go well for you. You have a job, go to meetings on a regular basis and have worked the steps thoroughly with your sponsor. The promises have started to happen. Then all of a sudden out of nowhere you have a very strong urge/craving to use drugs and alcohol. This is a very common occurrence and no matter how much sober time an individual has no one is above a relapse. Unfortunately for those who live with the disease of addiction there is no pill that can be taken on a daily basis that assures them another day of sobriety. To get sober there is going to need to be a complete change in lifestyle. The work it takes to stay sober is constant and will last the duration of an individual’s life.  No matter where one goes or how long they are sober for there are always going to be temptations to resort back to their old lifestyle. Fortunately today there are relapse prevention programs that are provided by quality addiction treatment centers. During the course of a relapse prevention program individuals will work with professional therapists who are certified addiction professionals to learn what triggers them to want to abuse drugs and alcohol. In addition clients will learn various techniques to cope with their cravings and urgings to abuse drugs. The tools that are learned in a relapse prevention program will prove to be priceless as the rewards that are reaped from sobriety never end.

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