Quarantine and Relapse: How to Stay in Recovery

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woman looking out window and struggling with quarantine and relapse


Published: July 22, 2020

Quarantine and relapse may feel synonymous. Isolation has long been recognized as a relapse trigger, and experts are reporting that the relapse rate is rising due to the quarantine. Do quarantine and relapse go hand in hand? They can. However, there are things you can do to reduce your risk. Through stress management, reaching out to your support system, and other practices, you will be able to stay on the right path during this difficult time.

Quarantine and Relapse Prevention

Quarantine doesn’t have to mean relapse. These tips can help you maintain your sobriety during the quarantine.
To keep your recovery going strong:

  • Know quarantine triggers
  • Maintain structure
  • Work on your recovery
  • Stay in touch with your support system
  • Keep yourself busy
  • Give back

Know Quarantine Triggers

Quarantine increases the likelihood of many common relapse triggers. It’s important to know what they are. However, you should also spend some time thinking about which triggers affect you the most, and how to handle them during the quarantine.

Quarantine and relapse triggers:

  • Financial problems (loss of job due to pandemic)
  • Increased stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Isolation and loneliness
  • Toxic family relationships (can be overwhelming if you are quarantined together)

Maintaining Structure During Quarantine

One of the most important aspects of recovery is structure. Many people find themselves out of work due to the current quarantine and relapse is a big risk. If your job is on hold due to the virus, a structure becomes hard to maintain. Having a set wake up and bedtime can help. Planning your days becomes more important. Be sure to set daily or weekly goals for yourself to help provide structure and maintain a sense of accomplishment.

Working on Recovery

Quarantine doesn’t mean your recovery is put on hold. Work through the 12 steps of your program. Get a recovery workbook. Read books on recovery. Watch youtube videos on healthy coping skills and boundaries. There is so much to learn during recovery. Use your time wisely.

Stay in Touch With Your Support System

Quarantine and relapse prevention can’t be done completely on your own. Social distancing may mean that you can’t attend physical meetings, but there’s nothing holding you back from virtual meetings. Stay in contact with friends and family through video chats. Consider quarantining with loved ones so you aren’t completely alone. Do not allow yourself to be overcome by feelings of isolation. Reach out to your family and friends in a safe manner.

Stay Busy

Boredom and too much free time are classic relapse triggers. This is one reason quarantine and relapse can feel inevitable. There’s so much free time, combined with boredom due to the quarantine. You must stay busy. Find a new hobby. Learn a new language. Take a virtual college course on a subject you’ve always wanted to learn more about.

Give Back

The world can feel hopeless at the best of times. The current pandemic can make you feel helpless, isolated, and scared. All these feelings can trigger a relapse. This is a great time to find a way to give back. Making face masks, working with a crisis hotline, or simply calling to check on a friend are ways you can give back. Bringing positivity to someone else is one of the best ways to make yourself feel better.

Recovery at Lakeview

Lakeview Health is dedicated to promoting recovery during this difficult time. If you are struggling with quarantine and relapse, we can help. Contact Lakeview Health at [Direct] today. Our integrated approach to health and healing can help you begin or stay in recovery.

Lakeview Health strives to keep our clients and staff safe during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Learn about new guidelines and updates today.

We currently accept Aetna, Cigna, and United Healthcare. We do not currently accept Medicare, Medicaid, or Florida Blue.

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