Recover From PCP Addiction In Lakeview Health’s Esteemed Residential Treatment Center

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Published: July 22, 2016

Unlike most hallucinogens, PCP can be addictive. Trying to stop using PCP on your own can result in difficult withdrawal symptoms and relapses, especially if you don’t understand why your PCP addiction started. Entering a respected residential treatment program can help. At Lakeview Health, we will help you better understand the nature of your addiction so that you can successfully overcome it.

PCP Addiction Treatment Starts With a Detox Program

No matter what drug you’re addicted to, it’s important to go through a professional detox program. When you first stop using a drug, you’re going to experience withdrawal symptoms. With PCP addiction, you’re likely going to experience withdrawal symptoms like:

  • Sweating
  • Headaches
  • Cravings
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Suicidal Thoughts

By entering a detoxing program, you’ll be near medical professionals who are trained to handle those withdrawal symptoms. If you enter the medically monitored detox program at Lakeview Health, our professionals can provide you with counseling, emotional support, encouragement to stay in treatment, and medication to help curb withdrawal symptoms as needed.

Transitioning To Residential Rehab Is An Important Second Step In PCP Addiction Treatment

Once you’ve gotten through the detoxing program, you have to move into rehabilitation. Detox can help your body stabilize after the initial shock of not having PCP, but it’s in rehabilitation that you learn how to cope without the drug, how to deal with cravings and triggers, and how to transition back into your life. At Lakeview Health, you can move from a detoxing program to rehabilitation without ever having to leave our campus. When you first transition into rehabilitation, your recovery is in its earliest stages and you are particularly vulnerable to triggers and cravings. Living in our treatment center will help you stay on track. Once it’s safe for you to leave, you’ll be able to transition into an outpatient program that provides greater flexibility.

You Can Start Your PCP Addiction Treatment Today

You don’t have to keep struggling with your PCP addiction. Our trained professionals are fully qualified to help you get through drug detoxing, rehabilitation, and more. In order to get that help, you need to reach out and contact us. Call Lakeview Health today at 866.704.7692 and let’s discuss your treatment options.

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While we aim to provide accurate and up to date information on substance use and treatment for Substance Use Disorder, the information found on this site is for general knowledge purposes only. This information is not intended to serve as medical advice or guidance in any way. Always follow the treatment plan and guidance outlined by your trusted medical provider.

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