Why You Need to Stop Drinking Today

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Published: September 7, 2016

If you have any doubts about whether or not you have a drinking problem, you might want to consider answering the “20 Questions” provided by A.A. Based on the organization’s criteria, three positive responses are an indication you may suffer from alcoholism. If the process leads you to that realization, you need to stop drinking and ask for professional help in dealing with your addiction.

The Numbers Don’t Lie

Alcoholism has always been considered a major problem in America. There are two key statistics that point out the severity of the problem. From a study performed in 2013, the American Society of Addiction Medicine determined that 30.2% of all males over the age of 12 had reported at least one binge drinking episode in the 30 days leading up to the date of the study. Furthermore, 16.0% of the women in that category also reported binge drinking. Regular binge drinking is a very good indication of a drinking problem. When the Centers for Disease Control completed its study in 2014, they determined that almost one-third of the traffic accident fatalities that year were caused by impaired drivers. Based on this information, you have to decide now if you want to risk becoming a dreaded statistic.

Why You Need to Stop Drinking

It’s no secret that it isn’t easy to stop drinking. However, the only way you’re going to be able to get past your addiction is doing exactly that with a bit of help from a professional addiction treatment center like Lakeview Health in Jacksonville, Florida. The first step is to admit you are helpless over your alcoholism. From there, you’ll need to summon the courage to reach out for help.

If You Need to Stop Drinking, Lakeview Health Can Help

As part of the South Florida rehab contingent that lays claim to being the “rehab capital of the world,” Lakeview Health is proud to offer an excellent, therapy-based treatment program built around the guidelines found in the “12 Steps of Recovery.” For many patients, the process starts with a medically monitored detox process to remove residual toxins from the body. After completing detox, guests are assigned licensed counselors to initiate the intensive therapy portion of the program. As part of the overall process, the counselors may look to provide access to dual diagnosis treatment, if necessary, and an acclaimed four-day family education and treatment plan as needed. After the entire treatment program has been successfully completed, exiting patients will be asked to participate in aftercare and alumni programs as an effective way to maintain abstinence. The best part for you is the program has proven time and again to be very effective in helping people form a lasting recovery. When you realize you have a drinking problem, the best course of action is to immediately seek out help. At Lakeview Health, our counselors and clinicians are ready to lead you to successful recovery. Call us today at (866) 704-7692.

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