By: Lakeview Health
Drinking to cope with the stress may seem like a natural reaction, but drinking alcohol while breastfeeding is dangerous for both the mother and the infant. It’s important to understand the risks involved
The Cold Hard Facts About Drinking Alcohol While Breastfeeding
Thousands of doctors and scientists have reached the same conclusion: no amount of alcohol is safe to consume while breastfeeding an infant. Based on multiple studies, just one drink a day while breastfeeding can impact the baby’s development. It might help to understand how a baby’s body metabolizes alcohol. An adult woman who drinks on a regular basis can contaminate her milk. Although a baby drinks breast milk in small portions, it will take them twice as long for it metabolizes through their system. If the mother with an active alcohol addiction breastfeeds, the baby might eventually show addiction signs. That puts a horrible burden on undeveloped body organs.
Seeking Help for the Benefit of the Baby
Women who feel compelled to drink while breastfeeding may have unknowingly developed an alcohol addiction over time. At Lakeview Health in Jacksonville, Florida, we use gender-specific treatment to help women deal with addiction issues before adversely affecting an unborn infant. Our Joint Commission-accredited programs exceed national quality standards, providing lasting results for thousands of men and women. We offer a full continuum of care, including:
- Medically Monitored Detox
- Residential Treatment For Men and Women
- Dual Diagnosis Treatment
- Family Programs
- Aftercare and Alumni Programs.
If you’re drinking alcohol while breastfeeding—or are considering drinking alcohol while breastfeeding— stop and consider the consequences. Every child deserves the opportunity to grow happy, healthy and wise. With help from Lakeview Health, you can live a prosperous life and become a great role model for your child. Call 866-704-7692 today.