Leaving Home for Addiction Treatment

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individual opening the door to addiction treatment


Published: January 11, 2021

Of the tens of millions of Americans struggling with substance abuse issues, few will get the help they need. There are many reasons that this is the case. Among the most common is the fact that many people suffering from substance abuse or alcohol abuse think that it is irresponsible to leave their job, home, or family to get addiction treatment. In truth, the irresponsible thing is not to take the necessary steps to treat addiction. The best way to do this is through alcohol or drug addiction treatment. 

Many have found that leaving their hometown was the best way to get away from the distractions of work, home, and family and start concentrating on themselves and their addiction. Such a change of scenery could mean the difference between success and failure in the addiction treatment process. 

The decision to leave home is not as difficult when compared to the difficulty of living a life controlled by alcohol or drugs. If you are looking to go to treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, Lakeview Health in Jacksonville, FL, is here to help. 

Leaving Home for Addiction Treatment Means More Options

As anyone who has undergone treatment for drug or alcohol dependency will tell you, there is no one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter approach to recovery. Each individual struggling with the disease is different and has different needs. One of the most prominent problems with insisting on staying in your present geographical area for treatment is that it immediately limits your options to those provided around you, which may not be ideal for you. Some questions to ask about the addiction treatment programs in your area include:

  • Do they offer the full range of care levels when it comes to addiction treatment, from medically supervised detox to intensive outpatient care, to comprehensive aftercare?
  • Do they offer a range of counseling options, including individual approaches (cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy) and group work?
  • Is there a family program aimed at helping heal the rifts caused by addiction?
  • Do they treat the co-occurring mental conditions that so often accompany addiction like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and borderline personality disorder?

Whether you are aware of all of your therapeutic needs or not, it is worth exploring programs that can offer all of the above, no matter where they are.

The Benefits of Leaving Home for Addiction Therapy

In addition to not limiting yourself simply for the sake of staying at home, it is important to consider the distinct benefits of leaving home for treatment. These include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Leaving home for addiction treatment allows you to put distance between you and the stressors and triggers that fuel addiction and make relapse more likely.
  • Traveling for treatment necessitates that you separate yourself from individuals who are negative influences in your life.
  • Much of addictive behavior involves habits and routines. By leaving home for treatment, you necessarily break those routines and can thus give yourself a fresh start.
  • For individuals who lack a strong family- or social support network, leaving home for treatment can be the difference between relapse and genuine, sustained recovery. 

Simply being in a different environment and geographical location can give individuals battling addiction the push they need to move past the initial stages of rehabilitation and move forward on their recovery journey.

Learn More at Lakeview Health Today

At Lakeview Health, our addiction and mental health specialists provide a broad range of treatment programs and make a point of always tailoring treatment to the needs of our individual patients. Among our programs you will find:

Contact our expert team online today or call us at [Direct] to learn more about what we can do for you.


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