Lakeview Health Systems Provides Award Winning Drug Rehab Program

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clients an award winning drug rehab program


Published: February 11, 2020

Searching for a drug and alcohol rehab program is a strenuous and overwhelming process. Different rehab programs around the country provide various services that may or may not be suitable for a particular client. It is essential that when looking for a drug and alcohol rehab, an individual finds one that will cater to their specific needs. Lakeview Health in Jacksonville, Florida, is a nationally recognized drug rehab and alcohol treatment center. The treatment at Lakeview health specializes in drug addiction, alcoholism, and dual diagnosis disorders. Our award-winning drug rehab program provides clients with the support and care they need to achieve their goals of recovery.

Beginning our Award Winning Drug Rehab Program

Upon entering Lakeview, trained medical professionals will do a full assessment with each patient. During this time, an individual treatment plan is put together for each client. This proves to be extremely helpful to clients as everyone is unique and has different needs. While addiction affects many, people come from different backgrounds and have different experiences that require different approaches for treatment.

At Lakeview Health, clients tend to begin their drug and alcohol rehab treatment by going through a medical detoxification process. Our award-winning drug rehab program includes around the clock care for those undergoing detox. This helps to keep clients safe and as comfortable as possible during this first step of their journey. Detox allows the client to rid their body of harmful substances. Then, they are able to turn their attention to the rest of their treatment plan.

After detox, the next step is residential treatment. By remaining on-site, individuals can fully immerse themselves in their goals of recovery. Their days include therapy sessions and other activities to help them with their treatment. By keeping to a schedule, clients learn how to keep their minds off of harmful drugs and focusing on staying healthy and remaining in recovery.

Addiction Treatment at Lakeview Health

The drug and alcohol rehab program offered at Lakeview Health will have clients work with therapists in both individual and group settings. Both are equally important. Individual therapy will allow clients to process more intimate details of their drug and alcohol abuse, such as why they were abusing alcohol or drugs. In addition, individual therapy will work with each client on repairing emotional damage that was done as a result of their addiction. Group therapy is very beneficial as it allows the clients to talk openly with others who are experiencing similar issues. Group therapy allows clients to discuss any cravings or difficulties with others who are also in early recovery. Of course, these group therapy sessions are facilitated by trained medical professionals, therapists, and certified addiction professionals.

Choosing a rehab program that best suits an addict or alcoholics needs are going to be one of the most important decisions a suffering addict or alcoholic is going to make in their lifetime.

To begin our award-winning drug rehab program, contact Lakeview Health today at [Direct].

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