Lakeview Health Podcast with Awakenings Recovery

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Published: December 7, 2016

Awakenings Recovery is an addiction treatment program for women, with locations in Seaside, Oregon and Fredericksburg, Texas. Anika Cooper, regional marketing for North Texas at Awakenings Recovery, met up with Gina Thorne, vice president of marketing at Lakeview Health, during her recent visit to the Lakeview campus. During their conversation Anika described the warm and nurturing approach to treatment at Awakenings. Since women and men differ in their treatment needs, Awakenings Recovery is dedicated to providing the research-based treatment that will help women recover from addiction. Watch their podcast below! https://youtu.be/UfV3gmcVNEE Visit the Awakenings Recovery website to learn more about all the services they offer women seeking addiction treatment.


Gina Thorne, Vice President of Marketing at Lakeview Health and Anika Cooper, Regional Marketing for North Texas at Awakenings Hill Country Gina: Hi everyone. Welcome to the Lakeview Video Podcast Series and I’m pleased today to be joined with Anika Cooper who’s working with Awakenings Recovery of Fredericksburg, Texas but also in Seaside, Oregon, correct? Anika: Yes. Gina: Great to have you here. Anika: Thank you so much for having us. Gina: Is this your first trip to Jacksonville? Anika: Yes, actually it is. Gina: Oh good, well we finally got you here for a great rainy day! Anika: Yeah, this morning I woke up and realized that my hair might be huge but like whatever, that’s okay. Gina: That’s okay! Well we’re really happy that you’re here. Today and we want to talk with you a little bit about Awakenings but before we get into the specifics about that, how did you get into the field of addiction treatment? Anika: Well I’m in recovery. I’ve been in recovery for 21 years and I was in sales before. After I graduated I went into pharmaceutical sales, and I had done some work in the industry, and I realized that I could do both – I could do marketing for a treatment center! Where my passion lies is in helping people and so I started there. I just got in the industry, and I really love Awakenings because it’s women-only and I have a passion for women. I have a passion to help women because I have been through so much and so many people reached out their hand and helped me. Gina: So it’s a fairly new program and it’s a little over a that it’s been open? Anika: Yes. Gina: Tell us a little bit about the treatment that goes on at Awakenings. Anika: So it’s absolutely amazing what they do, it’s a true 90-day program (research has shown that 90 days is just a really good time frame) and its women only – 20 beds, so it’s very small. Both of our facilities are very small so they [the patients] get a lot of one-on-one treatment.  We do DBT, we work on trauma (a lot of trauma), and mindfulness. They do mindful eating, mindful yoga, and they also do the Big Book [of Alcoholics Anonymous] – a lot of big book study, and they go to meetings every day. But we believe in Anne Martin, who’s our Program Designer. She was with Betty Ford for about 17 years, she contracted with them. So she had a really good connection with women, relapse-recovery, and relationships. And we have a program called Recovery Enrichment Program, and I actually went through the program myself. It’s a week-long intensive and it works on family of origin, it really digs down to the soul wound. I will tell you that if a woman is only coming for 30 days, we’re probably not going to get into that. If they’re [staying with us] 60 or 90 days, we will dig into that. We believe that if you’re opened up, you need to be put back together before you get out of the community Gina: So that enrichment program is part of their treatment if they’re staying for 90 days? Anika: Yes, 60 or 90. Gina: But it’s not a separate program that if you’re not considered a patient you can’t just come in for that particular week? Anika: Right. Gina: Okay, right. Anika: And we do that because we don’t want to be focused on people that are coming in from outside. We really want to get the women in there and watch their progress all the way through and see them transform. It’s cute, because it’s a husband-and-wife that own this facility and they leave frogs for all the women and I didn’t understand what that was at first. It’s about relying on God, “Fully Rely On God.” Gina: Yeah! Anika: And I was like, “This is so amazing!” so I mean there’s a lot of components to do what they do. And the women that work there you know, I’ve said this a lot, it doesn’t matter what the facility looks like, how beautiful it is, it’s the people that work with the people that you’re sending to treatment [that matters]. Gina: So true. Anika: And that’s what we have. There’s a lot of women who truly have a passion for this industry and the women that are there [receiving treatment]. Gina: Sounds like a great program. Anika: Absolutely. Gina: Well we certainly need a lot of good women’s programs so glad to hear that they took the step out and opened these two programs. Anika: Yes. Gina: So if someone’s watching today and they want to be able to access services, or all things Recovery, how could they get in touch with you? Anika: You can get in touch with us at Awakens Recovery by calling me at (214) 794-1431 or you can access us at www.awakeningsrecovery.com. Gina: Great thanks for joining us we appreciate it thanks so much for those of you that are interested in learning more about like you helped me invite you to visit us at lakeviewhealth.multiplica.dev or if you need help right away please give us a call at (866)887-0142

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