The Importance of Medical Detox

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woman ponders the importance of medical detox


Published: May 18, 2020

If you’re seeking out addiction treatment for your loved one, it’s crucial to understand that they may require the full continuum of care. In many cases, the beginning of a comprehensive addiction treatment plan is medical detox. Understanding the importance of medical detox as well as gender-responsive addiction treatment will allow you to make educated decisions on the care of your loved one. It will also help you better support them during their recovery journey.

What is Medical Detox?

Before you can understand the importance of medical detox, you must first understand what medical detox is. A medical detox center will use specific medications to help individuals in the program. These medications help to keep individuals safe and as comfortable as possible during the detox process.

Such medications are essential due to the severity of withdrawal symptoms some individuals might experience during the detox process. As the body begins to remove the harmful substances from the system, individuals can experience mild symptoms like headaches to more severe symptoms like seizures.

Through a men’s detox program or women’s detox program, your loved one will receive a full regime of care that includes:

  • Medication to alleviate discomfort
  • Medication that reduces cravings
  • 24/7 medical supervision to monitor health and progress
  • Begin participating in additional programs, addiction therapy services, and interact with compassionate staff

The ability to begin participating in additional modalities is another level to the importance of medical detox for your loved one.

The Importance of Medical Detox for Safety

As you look for a medical detox center and a men’s rehab center or women’s rehab center, it’s crucial to keep in mind how professional help will keep them safe. Consider the following benefits:

  • Your loved one won’t be alone as they begin their recovery journey. Medical professionals will monitor your loved one as they work through detox to keep them safe. Compassionate staff will also provide words of encouragement, guidance, and ongoing support throughout the entire process.
  • You can rest easy knowing that should your loved one experience more serious physical withdrawal symptoms, they will have easy access to medical care to keep them safe. This type of monitoring will help determine what medications are necessary and for how long to keep your loved one safe.
  • Your loved one is already beginning to develop trusted relationships with the team that will help them throughout their treatment plan.

Begin with Medical Detox through Lakeview Health Today

Now that you understand the importance of medical detox to keep your loved one safe, it’s time to seek out the medical detox center of Lakeview Health. At Lakeview Health, we are proud to provide our clients with the full continuum of care they need for a successful recovery journey. After detox, clients can begin with our residential addiction treatment program to continue their recovery plan. We’re also proud to offer family support for addiction as well. We understand how much addiction can affect families, so we strive to bridge the gap between loved ones.

Contact Lakeview Health today by calling our team at [Direct] to begin learning the importance of medical detox and how our center can help your loved one recover.
Lakeview Health strives to keep our clients and staff safe during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Learn about new guidelines and updates today.

We currently accept Aetna, Cigna, and United Healthcare. We do not currently accept Medicare, Medicaid, or Florida Blue.

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