Need to Know How to Stop Drinking?

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Published: September 27, 2016

Drinking alcohol usually begins as a social activity. What happens after this introduction can change lives. According to the NIH, 87.6% of the country’s population over the age of 18 have tried alcohol. Of these, 56.9% continued drinking on a monthly basis. Once a pattern has been established, many don’t know how to stop drinking.

Why People Drink Alcohol

Many types of alcohol don’t have an appealing flavor. Some acquire a taste for a good wine or a cold beer because it may go well with food. Liquor, on the other hand, has a much harsher taste. However, the euphoria that alcohol delivers is often worth the bitterness to the palette. Here are some other reasons why people drink alcohol:

  • Lowers anxiety
  • Increases sociability
  • Decreases pain
  • Temporarily improves mood

How to Avoid Alcohol Abuse

The simplest way to avoid alcohol abuse is to drink in moderation or not at all. Unfortunately, alcohol becomes a crutch for people who are dealing with stress, pain or anxiety. Looking forward to a drink to deal with problems is often the first step in alcoholism. The question of how to stop drinking then becomes as real as how to stop overeating. Here are a few ways to break the habit:

  • Choose new friends who don’t drink
  • Join a support group
  • Speak with a medical expert concerning pain or being anxious

Know When Help is Needed

Alcohol addiction is usually formed gradually. By the time that alcohol abuse is considered as a problem, the thought of pushing it away is impossible. The drinker may quietly want to stop, but facing the withdrawal and realism of life is just too much. At this point, intervention may be the only answer. Intervention comes in many forms. However, understanding how to stop drinking alcohol isn’t so simple. Depending on the individual, there may already be a physical addiction. Only trained specialists can provide the needed tools in alleviating withdrawal symptoms while monitoring the healing process. Others who are addicted to alcohol may have made this a way of life and mental intervention is needed. Lakeview Health, a premier, gender-responsive rehab facility in Jacksonville, Florida, has experience in helping those who feel there’s no hope for their alcoholism. The development of social skills and dealing with emotions are addressed, as well as becoming physically fit. Next, group and family sessions ease the patient back into a comfortable life without alcohol. How to deal with remission is also discussed. An alcohol addiction can be stopped. If you feel that you’re headed down a path to alcoholism, think the possibilities of an alcohol-free future and call Lakeview Health at (866) 704-7692 to get started today.

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