How to Choose a Residential Treatment Facility

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couple learning how to choose a residential treatment facility


Published: April 17, 2020

At Lakeview Health, we understand that every person struggling with addiction is unique. And so is their addiction. This means that our addiction treatment programs must take different approaches, depending upon a wide variety of factors. People of different ages, who are dependent upon a different substance or substances, and whose addictions are more or less severe require different levels of care. Individuals with the most severe addictions, for example, often begin their journey of recovery with medical detoxification and subsequent treatment in a residential treatment facility. However, it can be challenging to determine how to choose a residential treatment facility. When exploring how to choose a residential treatment facility, there are several factors to consider. And over the years, the team of addiction specialists at Lakeview Health has made a point of narrowing down what those factors are.

How to Choose a Residential Treatment Facility: Location, Location, Location

One of the first choices you will have to make when determining how to choose a residential treatment facility involves the location of the facility. It seems like a given that you would want to stay as close to home as possible for convenience’s sake. In many cases, however, the opposite is true, and you should consider both options.

Treating addiction is, above all, about breaking unhealthy patterns. And many people struggling with addiction find it more challenging to break those patterns when they are in a facility that is close to home. There are many reasons for this. Among them is the simple idea that breaking the cycle of addiction is just herder when you have chosen to remain among the people and places you once used the substance. For this reason, many people asking themselves how to choose a residential treatment facility opt for a treatment center that is farther from home.

How to Choose a Residential Treatment Facility: Consider Your Needs

But when considering how to choose a residential treatment facility, the most important consideration involves your specific needs. Among the questions you should ask yourself are:

  • Does the facility specialize in the treatment of my particular addiction?
  • Can the staff tailor a treatment plan to my needs?
  • Does the program involve multiple levels of care, including medical detox?
  • After residential care, will I be able to continue to get the treatment I need?
  • How extensive are the aftercare programs?
  • Will the facility work with my insurance provider?

These are only a few of the questions you should ask as you consider how to choose a residential treatment facility, but they are important ones.

Reach Out to Lakeview Health Today

Questions involving your health are essential. And when they involve addiction, they are doubly so. This is why the issues surrounding how to choose a residential treatment facility should not be taken lightly. It is especially important that you find a residential program that can provide you with a personalized treatment plan.

Once you find a program that understands that you are not like everyone else, you have the best chance of gaining the long-term sobriety you are seeking. At Lakeview Health, we offer many treatment programs to fit our individual needs. For example, our professionals rehab program provides support for executives and professionals, with treatment that is discrete and focused on the needs of men and women in high-stress positions.

At Lakeview Health, we have spent decades helping patients navigate the challenges of everyday life while trying to get sober. We are here to provide the guidance and support you need to get started. Contact Lakeview Health today or call us at [Direct] to begin your journey.

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