Government Reports Emphasize need for Dual Diagnosis Treatment

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Published: September 6, 2011

Government Reports Emphasize need for Dual Diagnosis Treatment

A new government report states that nearly half of Americans will struggle with some sort of mental health problem at some point in their life. Mental health disorders can include depression, post traumatic stress disorders and even suicidal thoughts. What is scary is that many of the people who have mental illness to not seek out the necessary help to recovery. Mental health issues are often stereotyped. Many people regard it as a weakness in character and are unwilling to look at it for what really is. Like cancer or diabetes, mental illness is a disease that needs professional treatment. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration report that over the past year 11 million people throughout the country suffered from serious mental illness conditions. Many who struggle with mental illness will ultimately end up self medicating with drugs and alcohol as opposed to seeking out proper help. When this happens individuals can easily fall quickly into the dangerous clasps of addiction. This can turn into a vicious cycle that can be next to impossible to escape without the appropriate professional help. Fortunately, for those who have a life ruled by addiction as a result of trying to self medicate for a mental illness help is available in the form of dual diagnosis addiction treatment. The premise behind these addiction treatment centers is to treat both the mental illness and the addiction. If both are not treated appropriately then both are more than likely to take over a person’s life. Dual Diagnosis addiction treatment has been the source of solution for many whose life has suffered consequences as a result of untreated mental illness and addiction.

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