Gift Your Children Hope at the Holidays

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woman choosing sobriety for her children


Published: December 11, 2020

Becoming a parent is one of the most incredible experiences that you can have. Your children look to you as a role model, as well as a teacher to show them the ways of the world and the right paths to choose. Any parent can understand how exhilarating and sometimes daunting that responsibility can be. Sometimes, however, the pressure to be a perfect parent can be a heavy burden. It can be even more difficult for parents who are fighting a substance or alcohol abuse disorder. Then, add the pressure of the holiday season, during a pandemic – and it can be enough for even terrific parents to falter.

Choose the Path of Hope. 

If you are a parent struggling with a substance or alcohol abuse disorder, empower yourself to give your children the best possible gift for the holidays, the gift of sobriety. That’s where Lakeview Health in Jacksonville, FL, can help. We are one of the finest addiction recovery centers on the east coast, and we are ready to help you become the best parent that you can be by guiding you through the journey to sobriety.

Sobriety Can Be Difficult During the Holidays

It is a challenge to maintain sobriety at any point during the year, but it becomes especially challenging during the holidays. Alcohol is especially widely available during the holiday season, and people may be more willing to share harmful substances. This is problematic for those who struggle with alcohol or substance abuse disorders. Covid is now making it difficult to spend the holidays together- so why not take control of 2020 – there’s no better time to focus on you. 

The team at Lakeview Health specializes in compassionate care for alcohol and substance abuse disorders. We can provide you with programs that can help you be the sober parent that you can be by including:

Ways Sobriety Will Improve Your Relationship with Your Children

Not only will your sobriety improve your life, but it will also strengthen your relationship with your children. Some of the ways that being sober will build a stronger relationship with your children are:

  • Being in the moment – One of the many problems that a parent who is struggling with addiction faces is missing important events in your children’s lives. When you are sober, you are not only physically present for your children, but you’re also able to mentally present as well. In other words, you won’t forget all of the precious moments that happen when you spend time with your children.
  • Having increased energy – As any parent can tell you, having children can be exhausting. When you are in the grips of active addiction, your life is focused on getting your next high. When you’re a sober parent, you’ll be amazed at how your children become a priority and how much extra energy you have. 
  • Keeping your kids safe – Your most important job as a parent is to protect your children. When alcohol or drugs get in the way, parents under the influence of drugs or alcohol are more likely to neglect their children or ignore them altogether. When you are a parent who has completed addiction recovery, your children are secure in knowing that they are safe on your watch.
  • Being a role model – Children see and hear almost everything around them, whether negative or positive. When you demonstrate a sober lifestyle, your children are more likely to mimic this behavior when they grow into adults. You are showing them that sobriety is a healthy way of life.
  • Building healthy relationships – The most essential aspect of being a parent is having strong relationships with your children. Being sober enhances communication and eliminates a lot of the toxicity and stress associated with addiction.

Contact Lakeview Health in Jacksonville, FL to Gift Your Children Your Sobriety

This holiday season, why not give your children the gift of a happy and involved parent? You can do it, and Lakeview Health is ready to help. Contact us now by either calling [Direct] or completing our secure online form for more information about addiction recovery. It’s not too late to give your children the best holiday yet. Take the first step by reaching out today.

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