Finding Help in Residential Treatment Centers

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woman comforting crying woman finding help in residential treatment centers


Published: March 25, 2020

One of the most common misconceptions about addiction is that every person can “beat” their addiction in the same way. Addiction treatment programs have long been plagued with questions and problems that misrepresent the problem in this way. “Isn’t addiction just a question of will power?” “Once he gets the drugs out of his system, he’ll be fine.” “It’s not her fault — her job is just too stressful.” But none of these get to the heart of the problem with treating addiction. In reality, each person’s case is unique and requires an individual approach. And one of the strategies that people have found especially useful is getting help in residential treatment centers. For patients with particularly severe addictions, seeking help in residential treatment centers like the one at Lakeview Health may be the right choice.

Is Getting Help in Residential Treatment Centers Right for Me?

A Florida residential treatment center aims to provide round-the-clock monitoring and support. To this end, there should always be a healthcare professional available to you as you start your journey of recovery. But the key to offering quality help in residential treatment centers comes down to one thing: structure. This means supporting you from medical detoxification through our highly structured residential, and outpatient programs, including our Partial Hospitalization Program and Intensive Outpatient Program. Treatment programs at Lakeview Health also include comprehensive aftercare to provide support as you transition into recovery.

Although help in residential treatment centers is often the centerpiece of rehabilitation, the levels of care all fit together. A patient often begins with medical detox, which for most, is the first level of help in residential treatment centers. But detox is different for each patient and for each substance, which is why it must be medically supervised. This level of supervision and constant care is one of the hallmarks of getting help in residential treatment centers. For many, it is a critical aspect of avoiding relapse.

The Benefits of Help in Residential Treatment Centers

Getting help in residential treatment centers is not for everyone. But there are definite benefits to programs like the one at Lakeview Health. These include:

  • A residential treatment center can offer a broader range of therapies and approaches than most outpatient programs
  • The fact that patients live in the facility means they are insulated from the pressure and triggers of their lives
  • Patients who seek help in residential treatment centers routinely report that they managed to for stronger support networks
  • Residential programs offer a structured, disciplined, focused approach to recovery

All in all, it seems clear that getting help in residential treatment centers poses distinct advantages.

Contact Lakeview Health Today

If you or someone you care about is battling addiction, seeking professional help in residential treatment centers might be right for you. We offer multiple levels of care, not to mention a wide variety of counseling techniques. And these, along with our rehab aftercare program, allow us to help patients successfully leave addiction behind them.

Reach out to us today using our secure online form, or call us at [Direct]. Moving on from addiction is never easy. But with support, you can take your life back.

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