Finding Addiction Treatment for My Daughter

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mom happy after searching about finding addiction treatment for my daughter


Published: October 14, 2020

“I need to find addiction treatment for my daughter. What should I do?” If you are the parent of a daughter who has gone through a traumatizing situation, you should know that she may have turned to drugs or alcohol to cope. This can be a difficult position for any parent to be in, accompanied as it is by feelings of helplessness and guilt. At Lakeview Health, we can provide you with the tools and addiction treatment resources you need to help your child move beyond what has happened.

What Has Happened? When Trauma Fuels Addiction

It is not uncommon for trauma to happen to children. We often think of trauma as something like being abused sexually or being injured. But trauma can result from a broad range of experiences, not all of which are as intense as these. Trauma occurs whenever something tragic or hard to understand occurs, and the brain tries to lock away the pain and feelings that have resulted. This type of trauma is never healthy. A person struggles with negative thoughts and uncontrollable fears for years to come. Unfortunately, this situation often leads to drug or alcohol abuse and the need for a quality addiction treatment center.

If you are interested in finding addiction treatment for your daughter, you need to be willing to listen. It is best for a person with trauma not to attempt to uncover what is happening on their own but rather reach out to their therapist for help. In this safe place, she can work through the pain she is feeling and what has happened to her with the guidance of professional clinical staff. By providing counseling for your child, you may be able to give her the support she needs throughout this process. Additionally, gender-specific programs like the women-only addiction treatment offered at Lakeview Health can be especially useful for helping young women who are dealing with substance use issues.

What Type of Trauma Can Lead to Substance Use?

Trauma can come in many forms. For children, seeing a parent or other close relative die can be traumatic. Sexual, physical, and emotional abuse can cause trauma. Teenage trauma comes in many forms, including verbal abuse and physical abuse, but also in the form of peer pressure and bullying.

As parents, it is vital that you recognize the trauma and then work to understand it. You may not believe it happened, or you cannot believe you missed it happening. In all cases, your daughter is likely to need positive, empowering support at this point, particularly if you are worried that she has developed a substance use problem.

Some people who experience trauma, even traumatic experiences from their childhood, never really deal with it properly. Later, as those memories remain, they may turn to drugs and alcohol for “help.” The drugs can help to block those memories and help a person to deal with the feelings they have. To do this, they often need to use more and more of the drug so that it keeps working. Eventually, their body becomes addicted and dependent. They cannot stop, and trauma remains.

Treatment Programs Can Offer Incredible Support

If you are interested in finding addiction treatment for your daughter, you are ready to give her the support and guidance she needs to work through this and reclaim her life. When you are ready, Lakeview Health can help with outstanding programs that include:

She can also get the care and support she needs in our gender-exclusive, women-only addiction treatment program, which caters exclusively to the needs of women with substance use issues. If your daughter is struggling with addiction, your best tool to help her is simply to reach out to a trusted and experienced team. Let our professionals work with your loved one to find her the peace she needs.

Help Is a Call Away at Lakeview Health

Finding addiction treatment for your daughter doesn’t have to be as complicated as you think.  At any age and with any type of past, our team at Lakeview Health is here to help. Speak to our compassionate counselors by contacting us at [Direct] today.

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