Digital Drugs

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Published: April 9, 2012

Rohit Talwar, CEO and founder of Fast Future Research, recently wrote an article about the digital drugs and the future of narcotics. He explores what the drug era will look like in twenty years with all the technology and science advancements. Research studies are being conducted currently, exploring how to influence human characteristics through genetic manipulation. Following this train of thought, he proposed that biological proteins will be made specifically for someone’s physiological make up, to induce a drug like an effect. He proposes that someone will be able to visualize and tailor their experience to what they want when ingesting these biological proteins. One example of visualizing and tailoring an experience is lucid dreaming, which is seen as a way of taking control over your dreams. It includes a visualization method that has steps for influencing and remembering your dreams. Addicts may also use the visualizing technique when using some hallucinogens. Lastly, the combining effect of biological proteins with information processing technology will deliver effects triggered by electrometric stimulation. Talwar gives the example of a club scenario. The DJ will be able to release the digital drugs as nano-particles that the audience will ingest. After ingestion, the nano-particles will be triggered by an electric stimulus and changes in the brain will occur. This seems similar to the club drug ecstasy that is widely available on the street and most commonly found in pill form. He concludes with the argument that creating these types of digital drugs will produce quality control decreasing the drug cartels and pharmaceutical companies which have cornered the market. This argument would have to include the government allowing a mind altering substance to be distributed freely. This was a creative article to read although it seems farfetched. Even if it does happen in our lifetime, I am certain that an addict will find a way to abuse this type of drug and we will then have to create tailored inpatient rehab programs for this phenomenon.

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