By: Lakeview Health
Why is it so hard to get rid of all the terrible events that we have experienced from our past? Throw addiction into the mix, and you have the perfect recipe for poor self-esteem. Poor self-esteem contributes to you seeking substance abuse to self-medicate and eventually finding that you need drug rehab. Your self-esteem first gets dragged through the mud of addiction. Then after you are sober, shame from the past harms your self-esteem. Building self-esteem in drug rehab is crucial. Taking the time during your treatment to grow and heal as a person and learn that you’re worthy of love, respect, and success will help to keep you on the right path after your addiction treatment programs.
At Lakeview Health, we understand that many of our clients come to us with low self-esteem for numerous reasons. However, we know the importance of building self-esteem in drug rehab. Our addiction therapy services provide clients with the facetime they need with therapists and counselors to work on rebuilding their self-confidence and self-worth.
The Breakdown
Entering medical detox is difficult enough, but after drugs and alcohol leave your system, you are left with a flood of emotions. From fear to faith, doubt to self-assurance, and chaos to order, individuals tend to feel an overwhelming wave of emotions. This wave tends to hurt your self-esteem because you are unsure about what you are feeling. The emotions attached to past events continue to damage your sense of self and well-being. Confusion about how to manage emotions sets in, and you beat yourself up with negative thoughts. These thoughts are usually judgments about past behaviors such as lying, cheating, stealing, promiscuity, weight fluctuations, poor decisions, and substance abuse. All of the negative thoughts and emotions attached to the past tear down your self-esteem. Poor self-esteem impacts negative patterns of thinking and behaving, and this cycle continues until you make changes. Eliminating drug and alcohol use helps when you are making changes needed to increase self-esteem.
The Rebuild
Making the first step and entering a drug rehab center helps rebuild your self-esteem. In rehab, you can learn about how to make healthier decisions, set boundaries, and resolve underlying emotions. Healthy decisions pave the road to increasing self-esteem. Along the way, you may have picked up the unhealthy habit of talking negatively to yourself. This negative language is the result of what you believe about yourself. Options like individual therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy allow clients to identify these negative emotions and patterns of thought and work to change them to healthier, more positive patterns of thought and emotion.
Building Self-Esteem in Drug Rehab
Learn to trust yourself again
We second-guess ourselves because of our past issues with addiction. We have to actively listen to our inner voice, especially when it is trying to protect us. Start by bouncing decisions off someone you trust who has been sober for a period of time in the program. Slowly, you can decrease this dependency and eventually trust yourself about decisions.
Surround yourself with positive people
“Birds of a feather flock together.” If you surround yourself with negative people you will become more negative in your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Set healthy boundaries in relationships – don’t compromise your morals and values
Not everyone is going to like you, nor do you need everyone to like you. The truth is setting healthy boundaries is good for you. When you first set boundaries, you may think that you are mean, but rest assured that you are not. You are healthy.
Reframe negative thinking
You are your worst enemy. Being critical and judgmental in thoughts both toward yourself and others diminishes your self-esteem. Practice changing negative thoughts.
Practice positive affirmations
One of the hardest things for addicts to do is find positive characteristics about themselves. You will have to sit and work on learning to love yourself again. Positive affirmations are important to do daily, especially when working at increasing your self-esteem.
Set and complete goals
Procrastination and uncompleted goals are enemies of self-esteem. There is a special sense of worth and well-being that comes from completing the goals that you have set. Make sure to set goals that are attainable for you now.
Addiction Recovery at Lakeview Health
Lakeview Health strives to provide the essential programs, therapies, and services clients need to not only begin recovering from addiction, but to begin building self-esteem in drug rehab as well. We also provide a family therapy program that allows loved ones to help in the healing and recovery process. Repairing broken relationships with loved ones can also help in building self-esteem in drug rehab because it teaches the individual that they are worthy of forgiveness and love from those closest to them.
To begin with addiction treatment, contact Lakeview Health today at [Direct]. Our team is ready to help you choose the program for your needs. You can also stay updated on our guidelines and efforts in keeping our clients and staff safe during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
We currently accept Aetna, Cigna, and United Healthcare. We do not currently accept Medicare, Medicaid, or Florida Blue.