Benefits of Residential Treatment

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woman learning about the benefits of residential treatment


Published: October 19, 2020

For clients beginning recovery through an addiction treatment program round-the-clock care can be immensely helpful, particularly for patients with the most severe substance use issues. In addiction circles, we call this care “residential” because it requires clients to reside on-site at the facility. There are many benefits of residential treatment.

What Is a Residential Treatment Program?

Residential treatment, sometimes called “inpatient treatment,” simply refers to an approach in which a patient stays in a facility around the clock. A residential treatment program provides patients with 24-hour-a-day support and supervision. In a residential treatment program, there is always a member of staff on call who can provide guidance and care, no matter the time of day or night. A residential treatment program is different from a partial hospitalization program (PHP) or an intensive outpatient program (IOP). Both of these offer a high standard of care, but at the end of the day, the patient returns home.

At Lakeview Health, we offer all levels of care. But our extensive experience has demonstrated that for many patients, these levels fit together. For example, it is often the case that a patient begins at the highest level of care — residential medical detoxification — and then moves into our residential treatment program. Medical detox can be dangerous, and so must be overseen by a medical professional. And one of the benefits of residential treatment is that patients can detox and then continue their treatment without missing a beat. This ensures the safety of the patient and also helps to avoid relapse.

The Benefits of Residential Treatment

There are many benefits of residential treatment programs. Such programs are often the right choice for patients who have tried to treat their addiction in outpatient programs or on their own and have failed. Among the many benefits of residential treatment are:

  • Residential treatment can generally offer more intensive therapy programs than other kinds of treatment.
  • In a residential treatment program, a patient is surrounded by others in similar circumstances. This leads to the formation of stronger bonds, which can be a massive advantage in recovery; a strong support network makes relapse less likely.
  • Because in a residential treatment program patients are secluded, they can escape the pressures and triggers of everyday life and can focus on their recovery.
  • A quality residential treatment program provides patients with a structured, disciplined approach rehabilitation and recovery.

Residential Treatment Removes Clients from Risky Situations

When you’re always surrounded by old friends who are still using, and you have access to all the places you used to frequent, it’s more challenging to change. Those old reminders from your former life will always be there, but it’s necessary to separate yourself from them until you feel stronger. There may come a time after recovery when you feel confident enough to walk those old streets once again, but now is not that time. Now is the time to work on your recovery, to heal your mind and body. This is much easier to accomplish when you enter residential care.

A residential treatment center for drug or alcohol addiction gives you a safe place to live until you feel strong enough to try again on your own. This is especially beneficial for patients who may have a turbulent home life, such as one that includes domestic violence or is otherwise not conducive to recovery.

Residential Care Helps Clients Build a Support Network

In a residential treatment center for drugs and alcohol, you’ll find people just like you — good people facing formidable challenges. The friendships forged in residential treatment often last lifetimes. It’s not at all unusual to connect with peers in recovery who are supportive and who genuinely care about your future. In fact, learning how to trust others and let people into your life is a big part of recovering from a substance use disorder. Cultivating a supportive network of people who care is essential for many reasons, including:

  • Making you feel less alone in the world
  • Lending you support when you’re in crisis
  • Allowing you to “pay it forward”
  • Inspiring you to keep fighting
  • Providing positive resources for information

You may learn just as much from your peers in residential rehab as you learn from your counselors and therapists regarding life goals and opportunities. Friends made in residential rehab are often friends for life.

Residential Treatment Offers the Highest Level of Support

If you’ve tried to kick drugs or alcohol before but failed, maybe you didn’t find the support you needed to recover. In residential treatment for substance use disorder, you’ll benefit from round-the-clock support and supervision. There will be others nearby to make sure you don’t have access to chemicals or the people who once supplied them.

Our comprehensive approach to treatment includes a chronic pain recovery program that can address your physical needs and ease the aches and pains that often precede or accompany addiction. There will also be doctors and clinicians on-site to make detox easier and to identify co-occurring disorders. For instance, if you’re suffering from depression or anxiety, this may be a reason that treatment has been unsuccessful in the past. In residential care, all these issues are addressed and treated accordingly. You’ll find the help and support you need to change forever.

The Residential Treatment Program at Lakeview Health

If you or someone you care about is battling a substance use disorder and might benefit from a premier residential addiction treatment center in Florida or Texas, don’t hesitate to get them the help they need. One way to do this is to reach out to Lakeview Health today using our convenient online form or call us at [Direct]. Our compassionate, expert team of addiction specialists is waiting to give them the tools they need to achieve genuine, long-term recovery.

Lakeview Health offers residential, trauma-informed treatment in Jacksonville, FL. Using a 12-step model of recovery, we’ve helped hundreds of clients make the transition from addiction to recovery. We follow an integrated medical recovery model that simultaneously addresses your mental, physical, and spiritual needs. For instance, if you have a dual diagnosis, such as substance use disorder complicated by trauma, we’re the experts who can help you move forward into a complete recovery.

If you choose to recover at Lakeview Health, you’ll experience all the benefits of residential treatment in a quiet, family-like environment, surrounded by people who genuinely care about your struggles.

Drug and alcohol treatment at Lakeview Health can be gender-specific, which involves treating men and women at separate locations. Whatever course of treatment is right for you, we meet in smaller, more intimate therapy groups that allow you to focus on the issues important to you. Additionally, rehab aftercare programs provide continuing support long after you have left our care.

When you’re ready to network with others facing the same challenges and triumphs as yourself, contact Lakeview Health at [Direct].

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While we aim to provide accurate and up to date information on substance use and treatment for Substance Use Disorder, the information found on this site is for general knowledge purposes only. This information is not intended to serve as medical advice or guidance in any way. Always follow the treatment plan and guidance outlined by your trusted medical provider.

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