What are the Benefits of Inpatient Drug Detox?

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Published: April 16, 2016

In order to enjoy a life of sobriety, those suffering from addiction need to start by completing a drug and alcohol detox program. A detox typically lasts for a few days to two weeks, and it allows for the body to flush out toxins and readjust to functioning without drugs in the system. Often, individuals believe that they can successfully complete a detox program on their own or through an outpatient facility. For a number of reasons, however, an inpatient drug detox is far more beneficial. Contacting a treatment center near you can help to answer many of the most frequently asked questions about detox.

Inpatient Drug Detox Offers Structure and Routine

One of the biggest reasons that patients need to stick with inpatient drug detox is because of the structure that it offers. In an inpatient detox facility, patients won’t need to worry about being alone or having too much time to dwell on negative thoughts and withdrawal symptoms. Instead, they will have a schedule filled with activities, meals, and counseling, all of which can help distract from the detox itself.

24-7 Medical Supervision

Withdrawal symptoms are a typical part of the detox process. While unpleasant, these are a sign of the body adjusting to an environment without drug use. In extreme cases, however, withdrawal symptoms can become severe. An integral element of inpatient drug detox is having medical professionals on call 24/7 throughout the facility. Patients struggling with severe withdrawal symptoms can be prescribed medications to help them deal with pain or discomfort, ensuring that the full detox is completed safely and successfully.

No Access to Drugs

Accountability is another tremendous benefit of inpatient drug detox. Even in the best outpatient therapy, patients will still have the opportunity to leave at night and spend time in their natural environment. Unfortunately, this is a risky position to be in. Inpatient detox eliminates that risk since the individual will live onsite at the facility and be regularly monitored by a team of medical professionals.

Removes Temptation and Negative Influences

Within a detox or rehabilitation center, patients are typically surrounded by others in a similar situation as well as therapists, counselors, and trained medical professionals who want them to succeed on their path to sobriety. Inpatient detox programs mean that patients won’t have to worry about the temptations that their friends or typical environment may hold, since they will be in a new and more supportive atmosphere.

Therapeutic Options to Facilitate a Positive Detox Experience

Finally, it is important to note that the best inpatient detox programs provide a range of therapies that can improve the experience. Integrative health options could include, but it not limited to,

  • Experiential therapy
  • Expressive art therapy
  • Wellness therapy

These therapeutic options can be a way for patients to release their emotions, improve their health, and develop coping mechanisms for the emotions that can arise during detox. If you’re ready to take back control of your life, an inpatient drug detox may be the right answer. Call Lakeview Health at 866.704.7692 to begin your journey to rehabilitation today.

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