Ask Yourself Questions As Part of Relapse Prevention

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woman learning about questions to ask for relapse prevention


Published: August 6, 2021

Relapse is always a possibility for anyone in recovery. No one is above it. Part of relapse prevention is understanding what to look for and having a plan if you start to notice any of these changes creeping up. Twelve questions that someone in recovery should ask themselves regularly as part of their relapse prevention plan are:

  1. Are you experiencing minor depression?
  2. Do you find yourself acting out in other ways? Examples can include eating more or less than usual, excessive shopping, or gambling. 
  3. Have you stopped communicating with others in your recovery network?
  4. Are you isolating? Some say the worst thing someone in recovery can do is spend too much time alone.
  5. Have you stopped going to meetings, or are you becoming resentful of others in meetings when you do go?
  6. Are you becoming complacent, thinking that you no longer have to take action to protect your sobriety?
  7. Do you think about getting high or drunk more often?
  8. Are you telling or thinking about your “war” stories more often than normal?
  9. Have you started to have thoughts that maybe you are capable of drinking like a “normal” person?
  10. Is your overall attitude changing — does recovery not seem as important to you as it used to?
  11. Have you stopped expanding your spiritual connection? 
  12. Have you stopped praying and meditating?

A strong support group and having others to turn to is an important part of recovery. This group can help spot changes in attitude and your engagement in the recovery community. Additionally, it’s important to check-in with yourself and to create a relapse prevention plan. 

Addiction Treatment at Lakeview Health

If you or a loved one is struggling with a substance use disorder, contact Lakeview Health today at [Direct]. Our team is ready to help with the admissions process and begin addiction treatment. 

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