Alcohol Abuse in College

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Alcohol Abuse in College


Published: August 24, 2011

Alcohol Abuse in College

  With students around the country going back to college after summer break there are sure to be some epic parties going on. After all, friends haven’t seen each other for a couple months and the students are no longer living under the roofs and rules of their parents. I think it’s natural for students to rebel and celebrate their freedom a bit before the semester really gets going. For some students however the party never stops. Alcohol abuse can stop a “party” unexpectedly and abruptly. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism states that roughly 1,800 college students between the age of 18-24 die each year in alcohol related incidents. The vast majority of students who drink do drink responsible. However for some students what starts of as some occasional drinks at a weekend party can quickly turn into partying every night. Before a student knows it they can be caught in the grips of alcoholism with their life and academic affairs spiraling out of control quickly. Most college campuses across the country have to battle student alcoholism on some level. Many campuses now have AA meetings on their campus. For some students it is necessary to take a leave of absence from college and participate in alcohol addiction treatment in order to get control of their alcoholism and learn the tools that they will need to live a life free of alcohol dependency. Alcoholism does not discriminate and can affect anyone at any age from any background. Many people, including college students have been able to break the vicious cycle of addiction with the professional help that is received at a quality addiction treatment program.  

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