Alcohol Addiction and Withdrawal

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women discussing alcohol addiction and withdrawal


Published: June 1, 2020

About 18 million Americans abuse alcohol and approximately 70 million more have dealt with alcohol addiction in their families. Choosing the right alcohol rehab to start your new life free from alcohol can be difficult. Our facility adheres to all of the highest standards in the industry, as well as both national and state accreditations. Lakeview Health’s alcohol rehab is a Florida rehab center licensed by the Florida Department of Children and Families and nationally accredited by The Joint Commission. We provide the most effective alcohol rehab program in the country. Alcohol rehab will create an environment where you will be comfortable while still being monitored by doctors, nurses, and therapists as you work through alcohol addiction and withdrawal. During this time you will receive therapy to identify and manage your personal triggers for alcohol. Our alcohol rehab program helps you feel comfortable, safe, and secure so you can successfully complete treatment for a life free of alcohol.

What Is Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol addiction is a gradual process of dependence that occurs over a period of time. Using alcohol to cope (whether with an uncomfortable situation or to celebrate) becomes common for someone who is predisposed to alcoholism. Alcoholism is a chronic, progressive disease that will destroy everything in its path. Alcoholism is a severe public health problem. About 18 million Americans abuse alcohol and approximately 70 million more have dealt with alcohol addiction in their families. Alcoholism is a lonely, secretive disease that isolates an individual from family, friends, and loved ones while adversely affecting physical health. The National Institutes of Health states that one-third of all Americans “engage in drinking practices that place them at heightened risk for medical disorders.”

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

People who are alcohol dependent will have clinically significant distress because of continued alcohol use. Alcoholics may have more arguments, relationship issues, financial problems, missed days from work, decreased immune system function and physical withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol are the number one indication that dependence is present. Alcohol withdrawal can be intense, painful, and sometimes deadly. When attempting to cease alcohol use after dependence, inpatient medical detox is suggested.

Physical Withdrawal Symptoms Psychological Withdrawal Symptoms
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Hand tremors
  • Sweating
  • Rapid pulse
  • Grand mal seizures
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Panic
  • Irritability
  • Cognitive impairment

Long-term alcohol abuse has even more severe effects such as brain damage, nerve damage, liver damage or failure, pancreatitis, and gastrointestinal bleeding. It is possible to stop these effects from further damaging your body by seeking treatment for alcohol addiction.

Alcoholism Treatment

Exploring treatment options for alcohol addiction is a step in the right direction. Treatment for alcohol dependence should begin with alcohol detox. In a medical inpatient detox program, medical staff monitor and medicate symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. During this time, any psychological and physical conditions can be addressed and stabilized. It is safest for an alcoholic to remain in treatment after detox to decrease the chances of relapse during his or her initial sobriety period. Anxiety and depression are among the symptoms that the alcoholic will have to learn to manage. It’s best to not have to do this alone because it may take 4 to 6 months for the body to adjust to not having alcohol in its system.

Help at Lakeview Health

The team at Lakeview Health understands the obstacles that alcohol addiction and withdrawal present and aim to make the journey as comfortable as possible. Through our programs and therapies, we provide the essential guidance, care, and support our clients need for success. If you’re ready to heal, contact Lakeview Health today at [Direct].

Lakeview Health strives to keep our clients and staff safe during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Learn about new guidelines and updates today.

We currently accept Aetna, Cigna, and United Healthcare. We do not currently accept Medicare, Medicaid, or Florida Blue.

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