3 Reasons to Go to Rehab Away From Home

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group learning why rehab away from home is beneficial


Published: November 11, 2020

If you are struggling with addictive behavior, whether it be the use of drugs, alcohol, or if you abuse another substance, finding help for your difficulties is a must. Many people seek addiction treatment programs by going to a rehabilitation facility as they have several measures in place to aid in recovery. Here are three reasons why opting for a rehab away from home is beneficial for treatment efforts.

No Outside Influences To Get In The Way

When you travel to rehab away from home, you have the opportunity to focus on what really matters the most: your recovery. There is no job to have to go to, no family to care for, and no stressors to worry about other than your health and treatment efforts. Many people find that going to a facility away from their hometown feels more like a vacation than rehabilitation. Patients have the chance to hone in on feeling better and learning ways to cope with triggers when they arise. Since they are away from the normal activities that go on at home, they have more of a chance to spend time on their rehabilitation efforts rather than situations that may be stressful.

Your Entire Stay Is Discrete For Your Protection

No one needs to know your whereabouts when you receive addiction treatment if you do not want them to. Going to a facility that provides rehab away from home means you are less likely to run into anyone you know. This is especially true if you travel a great distance away from home. When you admit yourself for rehabilitation, be sure to alert our staff that you are not interested in speaking to anyone from your hometown if you feel this way. Your treatment may be much easier to get through if you do not have people calling or visiting during your stay. Your focus is upon recovery. Complete discretion is important and provided throughout your visit.

Treatment Involves Learning And Seeing New Things

Perhaps you had tried rehabilitation in the past, and you do not wish to return to the same facility. Maybe you just want to be in a whole new atmosphere for your recovery. If you haven’t had rehab services in the past, you might just want to be somewhere else away from those you know. Anonymity is yours if you go to a location where no one knows you. These scenarios are remedied with a trip to a rehab way from home.

In addition, going to a facility away from home provides the chance to see and learn things you never came across in the past. The wonder of experiencing something completely new is a great way to refocus your energy on the importance of addiction recovery. Explore the outdoors, meet, and talk with different people, and enjoy the process of bettering yourself in an area where you feel comfortable, safe, and cared for.

Lakeview Health provides addiction recovery services. Our facility is located in Jacksonville, Florida. If you are struggling with an addiction, reach out to us to find out more about each of our rehabilitation centers to help you with the decision about where to go for your addiction treatment and recovery program. Some of our services include:

  • Medical detox
  • Residential treatment program
  • Inpatient treatment
  • Partial hospitalization program
  • Intensive outpatient program
  • Aftercare program

Our facilities are gender-separate and offer a variety of programs to aid in the treatment of addiction. If you are ready to take the first step in getting your life back, contact Lakeview Health at [Direct] to find out more about how we can help.

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