According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)[1], heroin use is increasing across every sector of society – spanning across age groups, social classes, and ethnicities. The most noticeable increases have been in groups who, in the past, have typically had low instances of heroin use. Groups like women, those in a higher socio-economical status, and others have seen record numbers of heroin use. The unfortunate truth is that heroin addiction doesn’t discriminate. People from all walks of life battle heroin addiction every day, and some may believe that there is no hope of ever living without the addiction.

This is why programs like Lakeview Health’s Florida drug detox program are so essential. Our team has decades of combined experience guiding people through the detoxification process, and we provide compassionate care for those who are ready to begin their recovery journey. If you or a family member is stuck in the seemingly endless cycle of heroin addiction, we can help. Lakeview Health’s heroin detox program can give your loved ones hope for a future that is free from heroin dependence.

Learn more about our heroin detox center or any of our detox programs by contacting our team at 904.531.3505 or completing our confidential online form.


Why Is a Heroin Detox Center Needed?


At the heart of the heroin epidemic is an increase in opioid use in the United States. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), these two are inextricably linked. A common situation we see at Lakeview looks like this: a doctor prescribes an opioid, like oxycodone or fentanyl, after an injury to help manage pain. After the prescription has run its course, the doctor does not prescribe a refill. But the patient’s body is now dependent upon the painkiller. The patient may begin to search for a new doctor to prescribe pain medications. If they are denied a new prescription, the patient may begin searching for other drugs to fill the void created by their opioid dependence.

Many times, people turn to heroin due to the low cost and ease of access, which begins the addiction. In fact, many heroin users report that they got their start using prescription drugs. This disturbing trend illustrates the link between heroin, prescription drugs, and addiction.

At Lakeview Health, our team recognizes that addiction is a disease, not a lack of willpower or a moral failing. Heroin is an especially addictive drug and detox is often necessary to help people break free from dependence on heroin. Lakeview Health is a leader in addiction treatment for many substances, and our heroin detox center is at the forefront of effective treatment for heroin addiction.

Do I Need a Heroin Detox Center?


Perhaps you are using heroin but feel as though you’re able to control your use. However, take a moment and honestly ask yourself:

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, it might be in your best interest to seek treatment in a heroin detox program, such as the one offered at Lakeview Health.

Does My Friend or Family Member Need a Heroin Detox Center?


Also, if you have noticed some of the indicators of heroin addiction in a friend or family member, the heroin detox center at Lakeview Health may be the best way for them to feel better. If you are still unsure if your loved one is in need of heroin detox, look for these physical signs of heroin addiction:

Perhaps you have seen some of these physical indications of heroin use from a friend or family member. If so, our Lakeview Health team can help to get this important person in your life back on track.

How Does Heroin Detox Work?


The heroin detox process at Lakeview Health generally occurs in three stages, which are evaluation, stabilization, and preparation.


The initial stage of detox is evaluation, and it occurs as part of the admission process at Lakeview Health. Our team will record information that will help us to design your treatment plan, such as your heroin use history and any mental health disorder diagnoses. The evaluation stage is absolutely necessary to provide the highest quality of care available. Just as every person is different, each detox program should be too. Our detox programs are designed to be individualized so that each person is as comfortable as possible throughout the entire process.


In this stage, our Lakeview Health team works to stabilize your condition. We will monitor your vital signs and neurological status on a daily basis to ensure your safety throughout detoxification. Our team of medical professionals is trained to monitor patients as they go through the heroin detox process. They are also qualified to administer medications to reduce the pain of heroin withdrawal symptoms. Once your condition has stabilized, you are ready for the next stage of detox.


The final stage of heroin detox is preparation. In this stage, our team prepares you to transition from detox into the addiction therapy programs that would be best for your recovery. At Lakeview Health, we provide a wide range of addiction therapy programs, including:

What Are Some Benefits of a Heroin Detox Center?


When you make the courageous choice to begin the detox process at  Lakeview Health, you are investing in your health and well-being. As you progress through detox, your body begins to heal, which leads to improved physical health. This is only one of the many benefits you may experience.

Some of the benefits of the heroin detox program at Lakeview Health include:

As you progress through heroin detox at Lakeview Health, you will also regain a sense of self-confidence and self-esteem that may have been missing during active addiction. Our detox program can help you rediscover your sense of purpose in life and find peace of mind.

Begin Your Recovery at Lakeview Health’s Heroin Detox Center

At Lakeview Health, there is hope for profound, long-lasting recovery from heroin addiction. An opioid detox program at an experienced heroin detox center like Lakeview Health means the opportunity to completely remove heroin from your system. Make no mistake; heroin detox is only a first step. Dealing with the psychological effects of your dependency will take weeks and months of hard work. But detox is indeed a crucial first step.

If you or someone you know is battling heroin addiction, contact Lakeview Health today using our secure online form or by calling 904.531.3505. You don’t have to go it alone. Let our team become part of your team today by learning more about our heroin detox center.

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