In rehab, therapists construct your individualized treatment plan around your unique needs. They choose addiction therapy services that fit your indiviudal needs and have been proven to work for others toward successful, long term recovery. One of the most beneficial types of therapy sounds fun, but actually helps you break through roadblocks in your treatment. This art therapy program combines individual counselinggroup therapy,

, relapse prevention and skills-focused programs to help you create a better life.

What does an art therapy program include?

Your substance abuse treatment center in Jacksonville, FL designs an art therapy program according to the therapist’s specific approaches and scientific evidence of outcomes. But these holistic therapy programs involve your own creativity and imagination in art projects that help you express yourself in new, healthy and productive ways. You learn new things about yourself in an art therapy program in Jacksonville, FL that you never knew before. You also express yourself in new ways that better convey your life experiences.

Types of art often used in an art therapy program Jacksonville FL include:

About Art Therapy

In your art therapy program, you learn new skills and means of expressing yourself that carry over into your future. You can rely on these skills to relieve stress and communicate your thoughts as you choose. You can possibly even tap into talents and interests you never explored before.

SAMHSA describes art therapy in its published guide, Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy. This description says that it is expressive group therapy, one enabling people to express deeply hidden thoughts and feelings that words often do not express. In fact, an art therapy program works very well for people with a history of abuse or other suffering from mental health problems.

This programpainting in art therapy works very well in addiction treatment because it helps you understand and deal with your addiction. Art learned in your therapy provides new coping skills that explore parts of yourself not explained verbally. Sharing art in your program also helps you better understand your peers in treatment, bringing you closer to them while increasing your compassion for their experiences and feelings.

An art therapy program Jacksonville FL uses multiple methods or approaches, just like other types of therapy. For art therapy, these approaches often include:

Gestalt Methods

For Gestalt art therapy, your therapist helps you explore your experiences and current feelings. This type of artwork often opens your mind for deeper exploration or conversation of the subject. It also works well as a tool for explaining your thoughts, as you describe the artwork, itself.

Active Imagination

Active imagination art therapy involves free association. You let your mind wander as you create the art and then look more deeply at the produced work, how it connects within you and your feelings.

Third Hand Approach

The third-hand approach involves producing art with your therapist. You control the creative vision, but you guide the therapist in producing the actual art.

Art Therapy in Jacksonville, FL Addiction Treatment

Your dual diagnosis treatment center in Jacksonville, FL uses this as part of a mix of techniques and approaches for your healing and recovery. In this regard, it is one part of a well-rounded treatment program suited to your individual needs. Programs and approaches typically include:

Overall, it works well for helping you work through your experiences, issues, and emotions that led to your substance abuse and addiction. Through art, you gain a safe space for communicating your deepest thoughts and feelings without stumbling over words. It gives you a refreshing new way of healing without relying just on talk therapy.

If you have an interest in an art therapy program for your addiction or dual diagnosis treatment plan, call Lakeview Health in Jacksonville, FL at 904.531.3505.

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