Divine Grace

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Published: March 14, 2012

A new biography about Bill Wilson’s life will be featured at the Cleveland International Film Festival on March 26-28, 2012. He lived from 1893 to 1971 and by the he time died, he left a legacy that continues on today. He was a co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), a program where alcoholics can receive support, guidance and relief from the disease of alcoholism. Those familiar with Wilson’s story understand the many struggles and attempts to get sober which he personally encountered in his life. Finally a combination of spirituality, active behavioral changes, and the support of his peers in recovery helped him achieve sobriety.  He was then able to share his gift with others. In a letter Wilson wrote to Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist, he states“So to you, to Dr. Shoemaker of the Oxford Groups, to William James, and to my own physician, Dr. Silkworth, we of AA owe this tremendous benefaction.” The movie trailer states that it was an act of “divine grace” that Wilson was able to find sobriety from his alcoholism. The spiritual awakening seems to be found in an outside experience that we are not able to conjure up alone. We are only able to experience it when we are ready. It is a greater power than ourselves that brings us from the throws of addiction and it is up to us to work the steps needed in preparation to be set free. Every single time I read Bill Wilson’s Story in the Big Book I am able to gather new insights and feel inspired. More information about Bill Wilson’s movie can be found at: http://www.clevelandfilm.org/festival/films/2012/bill-w

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