Reversing Effects Addiction Has On The Brain

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Reversing Effects Addiction Has On The Brain


Published: October 31, 2011

Reversing Effects Addiction Has On The Brain

  For years drug addiction was thought of as a flaw in an individual’s character and a moral dilemma. Now it is considered a brain disease that needs professional treatment in order to overcome. At the University of Mino in Portugal studies show that rats that were exposed to glucocorticoids prior to birth were more susceptible to addiction. However, the study also showed that by administering dopamine the brain abnormalities that come with addiction can be reversed. This study was done with rats. Individuals who suffer from addiction have brains that work differently than a non-addict. Once addicted to either drugs or alcohol the addict’s brain will trick a person into thinking that they need to use drugs in order to enjoy themselves or cope with any problems that they may have. Once the normal dopamine levels of an addict are off set it takes time and sobriety for natural levels to restore back to normal during which time a person may suffer from depression and psychological withdrawals which are likely to lead a person back to their addictive patterns. While these studies in Portugal are far from being approved to use on humans suffering from addiction, drug rehab has been a source of support that many have resorted to for help recovering from the disease of addiction. Because early recovery from addiction can come with depression and other psychological and physiological withdrawal symptoms, around the clock support is needed to get through the initial stages of recovering. Without it recovery is going to be very difficult as a recovering addict is going to yearn for a drug or a drink in order to feel better.

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