Alcohol Detox is Dangerous. Take Advantage of a Medical Detox

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Alcohol Detox is Dangerous. Take Advantage of a Medical Detox


Published: November 11, 2010

Alcohol Detox is Dangerous. Take Advantage of a Medical Detox

The alcoholism rate in America is on the rise and globally, alcohol is the most widely abused substance in the world.  It is sociably acceptable making it the aptest and likely drug for an individual to become addicted to. No matter where one is whether it be driving down a highway, watching television, or even sitting on a couch looking through a magazine there are advertisements for alcohol. These advertisements make alcohol very appealing. Alcohol is not as “sexy” as these advertisements. Those suffering from alcoholism are going to need help to get their life back in order and to stop the destruction that the disease of alcoholism causes. The first step to getting help for alcohol addiction is asking for help. An alcohol detox is the first step of alcohol treatment.  It is very rare that an alcoholic is not going to need alcohol detox.  Many alcoholics who are in recovery and have achieved long-term sobriety give a lot of credit to alcohol detox. For an alcoholic, the first few days without a drink can be mentally and physically draining.  Self-will and determination will not be enough to abstain from having a drink. A medical detox will provide a safe, controlled environment that is away from the environment that the suffering alcoholic is accustomed too.  This is extremely helpful to an individual will not have to deal with the strong temptation to drink those familiar surroundings can cause. The detox process for some drugs can be uncomfortable but not harmful.  On the contrary, an alcohol detox if not done properly can be very dangerous.  Alcohol detox can lead to dangerous seizures and convulsions.  In addition, an alcohol detox will cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anxiety, sweats, body aches, and intense cravings. It is also common for people to mix Xanax and alcohol, which can lead to death if not treated properly. Trained medical professionals overlook detoxification at an alcohol detox to make sure that clients are as comfortable as possible.  They will administer medicine to keep the withdrawal symptoms to a minimum and provide the emotional support that is required during the early stages of recovery.  After an alcohol detox, the alcoholic will no longer have to cope with the physiological cravings for alcohol. Alcohol detoxification will help to rid the physiological cravings caused by chronic alcohol abuse.  An alcohol rehab program is going to be needed in order to deal with the psychological aspect of addiction.  At an alcohol abuse treatment patients will work closely with a therapist in individual and group settings to learn and process why they abused alcohol and what they are going to have to do in order to remain sober. Recovering from alcoholism is a slow and difficult process that starts with alcohol treatment.  Without the support and structure that an alcohol rehab program offers to recover from alcoholism can be nearly impossible

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