Faces of Gratitude: 2016

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Published: November 4, 2016

Thanksgiving is the holiday that brings out appreciation and gratitude at the end of the year. While we should all be thankful for what we have every day, this is the time of the year that we tend to express that more openly.   For the second year, we at Lakeview invite everyone in the recovery community to share what they are grateful for in their recovery and participate in our Faces of Gratitude campaign. We had such a great response last year and we’re hoping for even more recovery community participation this year!   What Do I Need To Do? Most of us are on social media posting selfies on any regular day, right? So why not post a selfie of you with your family, friends, outside on a hike, inside watching a movie, or something that reflects what you’re grateful for in your recovery?   Along with your selfie, write a sentence or two about your photo and why this particular part of your recovery means so much to you.   You can post it to your own personal social media account, or you can find Lakeview on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram (@LakeviewHealth) and post your selfie on our pages.   Regardless of where you post it, be sure to use the hashtag #FacesOfGratitude so everyone can have a chance to be inspired.   Why Should I Share My Story?   Your journey to recovery was undoubtedly hard work, and for that, you should be very proud. Sharing your gratitude can help to remind you how far you’ve come and what you are grateful for. And it can also provide others with the inspiration to get help themselves. Sharing your story shows others who might be suffering that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that they’re not alone.   What Should My Post Look Like?   Below is a post from our wonderful Aftercare Coordinator for the Rose of Lakeview, Ashley. As a person in long-term recovery, she has a lot to be grateful for and these are some of her favorite things. This is just an example of what your post can look like – and don’t forget to tag your post with #FacesOfGratitude.

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