How to Quit Drinking and Succeed

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Published: October 28, 2016

Wanting to quit drinking alcohol and knowing how to quit drinking are two very different things. Thankfully, there are many resources available to help individuals struggling with an addiction to alcohol through the process of detox and then rehab. Since the risks of addiction are so high, it’s vital that everyone ready to embrace sobriety follow a tried-and-tested road to recovery.

Understand that Alcoholism is an Illness

Anyone who’s truly ready to quit drinking, and wants to know how to go about this daunting task, should start by understanding what alcoholism really is. Alcohol addiction doesn’t evolve because of a bad decision, a character flaw or a moral deficit. Alcoholism, like any addiction, is an illness. There should be no guilt, shame or embarrassment when seeking addiction help.

Acknowledge the Risks of Quitting Cold Turkey and Solo

Those who want to successfully quit drinking alcohol and stay sober for a lifetime will need to cease all alcohol consumption. A detox is a necessary component of recovery, but it can be accompanied by a number of withdrawal symptoms. Some of the most common withdrawal symptoms experienced by those in an alcohol detox can include:

  • Shaking or restlessness
  • Nausea, abdominal cramping or diarrhea
  • Temperature fluctuations
  • Sweating and extreme dehydration
  • Increased heart rate or blood pressure
  • Potential for delirium tremens

When individuals decide to quit alcohol consumption by going cold turkey on their own, these withdrawal symptoms can go from uncomfortable to dangerous. It’s only in a professional treatment facility that patients will get the necessary medical supervision 24/7 that’s required during a detox.

The Benefits of a Professional Treatment Facility

Medical supervision and attention may be the biggest benefit of attending an addiction treatment facility for detox, but other advantages include accountability, support and expert help for transitioning into a rehab program. Most detox facilities are closed premises, which means that patients can’t bring illicit substances with them. This can help reduce cravings and ensure that all patients are able to stick with their sobriety throughout the detox. After detox, patients who want to know how to quit drinking for the long term will want to transition to a rehab center. These centers can offer individual treatment, group counseling, dual diagnosis care and a range of life skills that will be beneficial for patients.

Realize that Sobriety is an Ongoing Process

Achieving sobriety is a major step, but maintaining that sobriety in the face of cravings and temptations will be an ongoing struggle. Those who understand the risk of relapse, which runs between 40 and 60%, will be better equipped to resist cravings and continue with the healthy, sober lifestyle. Knowing how to quit drinking successfully can be the first step toward recovery. For more help, contact Lakeview Health in Jacksonville, Florida, at 866-704-7692 to begin your new life today.

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