Lakeview Health Podcast with New Life House

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Published: June 23, 2016

Lakeview Health’s Gina Thorne sat down with James Voaklander, director of outreach at New Life House, to learn more about their program. https://youtu.be/bf_t2Bk0dzw To learn more about New Life House, you can visit their website at www.newlifehouse.com

Podcast Transcript

Gina Thorne: Hello everyone and welcome to the Lakeview video podcast series. I am pleased today to be joined with James Voaklander from New Life House in…tell me where you guys are located specifically… James Voaklander: We are in the South Bay of Los Angeles. Gina: South Bay in Los Angeles. Ok! So that really big city where traffic is really bad. James: Yes, exactly! Gina: Well, welcome to sleepy Jacksonville. It’s good to have you here. James: Thank you for having me. Gina: So we are really excited to hear more about your program. You have a community-based sober living program that has been in existence for over 30 years, and you’re working with people 18+. Can you tell us a little bit about the program? James: Right. So we are age-specific, gender-specific, we work with young men between the ages of 18-32. A little more specific between the locations; two of which are 18-23, one is 24-30. We really kind of work this specific demographic because that’s what we are good at. We’ve been around for a long time and the guys eat together, going out to meetings together, and we have a great community graduate base. Gina: So how long do they stay with you guys? James: So minimum of a 90-day commitment, but anywhere from about 11-14 months is a typical length of stay prior to graduation. Gina: And what do you think are some of the biggest challenges that men are facing in early recovery when they come out of treatment? James: The biggest challenge is the restrictions to the distractions. So, the cell phone, the girlfriend, the keys to the car, what you want to do and what’s right to do that’s going to be a healthy decision for you. Gina: And do your clients come from all over the country or are they primarily from California? James: We’re national so clients come from all sorts of programs; wilderness, inpatient, therapists, but all from different states across the U.S. Gina: So if someone wanted to learn more about how to access treatment at your place, or to access your transitional living, how could they do that? James: The best way would be to go to the website www.NewLifeHouse.com and then there’s the direct 800 line, there are all the staff pages and bios and a lot of good information there as well. Gina: That’s fantastic! Well, thanks James for taking the time to speak with us today. If you’re interested in learning more about Lakeview Health, we invite you to visit us at lakeviewhealth.multiplica.dev or if you know someone who needs treatment right away, we ask that you call us at 866-887-0142.

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