Hope and Gratitude – Seeking Treatment Will Change Your Life!

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Published: March 10, 2016

I had to deal with the attitudes and behaviors that kept me from moving forward. My life had to change because the addictive behavior lifestyle left me dealing with a stronghold of drug abuse and alcoholism. I had to discharge all the discomforts of using crack cocaine and alcohol and mold my life to a sense of realness. The lifestyle of my addiction left me in some very uncomfortable situations; you see, my drug of choice has no face on it!! Throughout my life I always reached plateaus of great accomplishments, only to find myself afraid of success. I came from a very prominent family, only to find myself the outcast, all due to the bad choices I was making, flirting with the foolishness of getting high. In order for me to get my mind to hush and calm all my senses from overload, I needed some help; a place that would allow me to discover how to retrain my brain. In August 2013, I arrived at Stepping Stone Treatment Center, scared, broken, nasty and dirty. My mindset was to change my entire life and get the tools I need to return back to society. At the age of 48 I really thought I couldn’t bounce back from this, but I had enough audacity to give it a try. I have to give accolades to those who poured into my life when I arrived at treatment. I got through the process successfully. I had to sever all connections with my nasty attitude towards life, I also had to figure out why and how to deal with the vicious cycle of relapse. Arriving in Jacksonville, FL for treatment really changed my life! Today I celebrate sobriety and recovery! My entire life has changed in this time period of almost three years. I am a college student at Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, NH with honors including the National Society of Leadership, also I have published and written three books and run a blog that motivates and inspires others with messages of hope. I share these things only to let others know that when you truly deal with those addictive behaviors your life will change. This is just a snippet of the accomplishments I have achieved since leaving treatment. For me to live this life that has been afforded to me, I keep an absolute faith in the power of God to keep me from returning back to dead situations.

Your Life is Valuable – Get Started with Treatment Today!

For someone who is thinking about getting treatment, I want you to realize first of all, your life is valuable and you are reading this on purpose! We all make mistakes, and you may feel that no one understands, you may be feeling lonely and lost, that dark feeling of wanting to change your current behavior(s) is a sign that you need help. I want to encourage someone to seek treatment immediately! If you have slipped up and find yourself constantly relapsing, it’s okay just reach out, please realize some people go through treatment more than once for recovery to actually sink in. Drug addiction and alcohol abuse should be taken seriously! Seeking treatment will change your life, you must change your mindset right now and get the help you need. We are here for you! It works if you work it! I am a living example of a new life through treatment!

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